Darkness Swirling Down

“and the dark came swirling down to shroud his eyes”

     This has got to be, by far, my favorite line from the Iliad.  And as a side note…I no longer hate Achilles.  *sigh*  all things come to an end I suppose.

     I am about to begin my fourth, and as always hopefully final, revision of I Can See Clearer in the Rain.  For those of you who don’t know (which is everyone excluding Cookie and Tibbi) this is my heart’s project of the moment.  It shall be the story of my dearest Rogue, and the new, but ever elusive Torrance.  You see, she just doesn’t want to cooperate with my plans, and thus I have worked on this story until I feel my brains will explode.  She’s telling the story, and I might as well just LET HER except.. T_T it’s mine… *whimper*

     But that’s just how this character is.  She’s incredibly her and nothing like me, so getting a hold on her has been difficult.  Rogue’s just sitting around on the sidelines waiting for his call to the stage.  He can carry any scene as effortlessly as Atlas bears the world(though I’m thinking this may be a bad analogy.  If I think of a good one I’ll let you know) But he and I have worked together for a very long time now.  We’re old pals.  Torrance is still being stubborn.  Shame on her.  Shame on me.

     Do you find it strange that I should talk of my characters this way?  As if they were real people? 

     Anyhow…in order to appease this shrewd character-mine, I have go to go back and begin from page one, losing 16 pages, as I did the 12 before it, and the twenty-something before that.  Fourth time’s a charm?  I sure hope so.  I’m tired of struggling with this.  But I shall soldier on…and I will tell myself I rule my literature, when in fact my literature rules me.

     Will you wish me luck?

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September 29, 2004

No luck, you don’t need luck, because you’re brilliant. But I do wish you love (Modiefied Save the last dance quote) And I shall write another entry about VF. Much love snookums.

September 30, 2004

4th time seems to be a charm so far as logging into OD, so maybe so. reading a book i think you would like: Time’s Dark Laughter, James Kahn. AND i watched the director’s cut of donnie darko!!! gloat gloat gloat. i miss you freaks. and my bedtime stories especially.