And I was a kaleidoscope

     Writing to balance out the unbearable angst of the previous entry.  At least I hope…because who knows where this will go once I get started.

     I have not yet received a promised mousepad.  However I have 3 new netflix which I will enjoy…as soon as I can.  In other words after the midterm on Thursday, and probably the party on Friday as well.  Why does time not flow the way I need it to?  I wish I could slow it down…or maybe I should just slow me down.

     The theme of today in both of my literature classes somehow circulated around the Commodification of women.  I’m ready for a break from all this gender blurring discussion…if I have to have one more in depth talk about whether or not gender is innate or learned…I might have to drink the special spaceship punch.  Seriously.

     It’s not that I don’t care about the issue…it’s intriguing to hear the different points of view, but it’s become almost overbearing the way it literally permeates the very air of my university.  Yes, we are an all women’s institution, and yes gender is a major issue among the GBLT members of the campus community.  But can’t we…at least occasionally…relish in just a little simplicity?  I don’t care what you are, or who you’re attracted to…be it men, women, or some "humanistic" combination of both.  Just don’t let the issue overtake every aspect of campus life…it’s just as oppressive as anything.

     That’s all on that issue.

     On another more exciting note…Anthony Rapp from the movie and original cast of Rent (Mark) is coming to speak at my school about his new book!  Cool right?  I can’t wait to meet him!  Hopefully I can get something for him to sign!  He’s supposed to be really interesting and nice guy 🙂

     Last thing to mention…Next entry will be fiction…I haven’t posted nearly enough…it’s an excerpt from my novel which is four chapters in…and still going strong.  A new record for me 😀  Anyhow…I should post it in another day or two…

back to my studies :-



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March 10, 2006

ryn: the pirate band was amazing, just for the simple fact that i’ve never seen anyone try and do that schtick. they had a hugh piece of sheet metal cut to look like a side of a ship and in the center was the plank. it was truly great to see.

does your bookstore sell his book? ours usually stocks the most recent work of visitors.