
30 weeks preggers!!!! I hope this worked.. it took me like 10 tries just to finally be able to get it on this entry… I know its a lame bathroom photo but since no one has taken any pics of me this was my only  option lol.

Well things at home are well "hunky dory" for now…. I came home yesterday from work and my my mother was in a mood to say the least… my dad was outside working on the shed and my mom was sitting outside on deck. I walked outside and was like Hi mom, Hi dad… I get this nasty look… *breath* I noticed you all are bbqing and you took out a lot of sausage, (2 rings!!!) umm areyou making supper for Shaun and I or do i need to start cooking? …. "Don’t worry we are cooking for you".. ok… 

I sit outside on the deck with her and tell my dad how i got my benefits card, and how i don’t have to pre pay for my eye exams because they bill to Great West Life (hooray!!!! sooo excited) I told him how i am so excited to finally get an eye exam and order more contacs and how i’m gonna hold off for a little while on getting a pair of glasses because I only  have $450 in my health care savings account and you never know what i might need that for…. that and Shaun might need glasses or contacs because he has some vision problems in one eye…

Anyway My mom sat there like a bump on a log.. So I get up go into the kitchen and i’m like "Hey do you want me to cut up the sausage…?"… "yea"…… ok… so i cut up the sausage put it on a plate and took it outside.. i sat down and mom just refused to talk to me she even turned her chair in another direction…. ugh dealing with a 5 year old…

So I go back inside, and she comes inside and i’m like

"hey do you need me to do anything for you?"

"like what?"

"Mom i am trying to be nice here"

"you shouldn’t have to try"

"Mom… i’m being genuine here, i don’t want to fight anymore"

"Ok, ok whatever" and she walks outside…..

after that, i went downstairs and Shaun and I just layed in bed, 30 mins later I walked upstairs to see if dinner was done, and they said 10 mins, so I asked if we were all gonna eat together and they said yes.. so i set the table and waited for dinner to be done… i called up Shaun and the 4 of us ate together… Mom wasnt’ so snooty, she lightened up, started making half asked conversation, we talked about the up coming election and how they are not voting and i told her you can’t complain then or moan about the NDP if your not gonna vote….

Then we talked about the Aborginals and how they are trying to get 125 million from the city of Winnipeg and if they don’t get it they are goign to shut off the water… (this isn’t all aboriginals i just can’t remember the actual name or place of who is trying to get this for them…) Then we discussed their rights and my dad had this wikid point… When people who are Treaty Status and don’t pay taxes on ANYTHING some of them are only like 50% or 15% native… and my Dad was talking to this aboroginal man and was like yea but that only works with people…. If you had a cow that was 10% wholesteed (i think thats what he said) hes like you can’t advertise it as a wholesteed cow….  i’m like 1/16th metis, and can get a metis card but my dad is 100% ukrainine and my mom is french/german and yet i can get my metis card… but i’m not really metis… do you see what i’m saying?? We were just atlking about where to draw the line when it comes to their rights, and their status… I personally think we should wipe the treaty status, and have everyone be equal… no special rights for anyone… we all have the same rights, and our on the same level…  regardless of who had land first…want to get rid of racisim don’t get special treatment regardless of your reasons….

anyway Shaun even got in on the conversation, and then when it was done they asked shaun questions, about his job ect…. after dinner mom was like "shaun you wanna sit on the deck and have a smoke with me"….  now keep in mind NOTHING has changed, its just she is no longer walking around with an attitude… we at any point could set her off, whether we eat too much cheese, drink too much milk, not buy cream, forget to fill the ice tray, move her vitamins ect…. but atleast for a short period of time, the snotty loser comments, and the constant dirty looks are over with for now… plus they are off to the cabin till Sunday so we are parent free! 🙂 yay!

I also got my mom to leave the remote for the tv in the living room, and she returned a package of eggs for us, but told me i’m not allowed sandwich meat.. i told her that peanut butter and jelly sandwiches just aren’t filling and i end up eating so much with it, she said deal with it, i wasn’t allowed sandwich meat…. this means that my mother is hiding food on shaun and i…. sad… but we will be out of this house in 14 days! and hopefully we can be perfect, and not piss her off so that the next 14 days go super smoothly and we are no longer getting verbally abused on a daily basis.. that and I hope it wasn’t just my moms buzz talking… she left Thursday a lil drunk and comes home Sunday sober…  but I dont think she was drunk enough to forget, or for it to fully effect her thinking, i think it just made being nice easier, and the second she started being nice, everyone got a long..

Last night I helped Shaun fix up our hosue…. I helped patch our room, and then i helped alex the boarder…. i don’t like those jobs, i would rather sit there with the heat gun and rip up the floors lol….Robin came by and we all hung out for awhile.

Well I guess i have nothing more to say…. lol…

later days



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September 16, 2011

RYN: There wasn’t a lot of people at the zoo… I feel like it woulda been worse if there were more people 😛

September 16, 2011

aw baby belly 🙂 congrats! do you know if you’re having a boy or girl? ryn: yeah letting loose and having fun is good but I am trying to save for school in January and I promised my boyfriend we’d do something during the week of his vacation because we had planned to go to Costa Rica but decided against it due to $. Plus, I don’t need to travel 18 hours to have fun 😉 🙂

September 16, 2011

I think she took the sandwich meat because there is rumors that sandwich meat is bad for pregger women. So either she is trying to look out for you or she is just being stingy. Either way, I am glad the night went well!

September 16, 2011

cute pic 🙂 awesome tummy!!! and thanks for the fascinating insight into the workings of your parents. very interesting. i find myself very grateful for my own parents.

September 16, 2011

ryn.yes you are right, and i do love veggies, prob more then most ppl do. but after awhile..they’re so blah! lol kind of like water..i tend to drink 3-5L of water a day. near the end of it you just can’t even stomach the thought of drinking anymore bc you’ve had so much! yes def moderation! i need to learn that, i tend to be one extreme or the other, too much or too little!