fredonia in 5 days!!!
I am so excited to be going back to fredonia in 5 days!! have no idea. Miranda and I have a nice appartment, much nicer than our house last year..and its just the two of us..not SEVEN other people..i don’t recommend living with that many people..ever..regardless of gender.
auditions are in a week..eeeek! I feel like i should be more worried..because whenever i am not worried about an audition, i dont do well. Im pretty sure i will be first chair…but i dont want to count my chickens before they hatch you know.. just because i dont want to be cocky..
scott is coming home tomorrow:~D that makes danae very happy:~D!! ive missed fatty..its a gooooodd thing ive got unlimited texting, or my phone bill would be astronomical haha. he is stopping at my house on his way home, we are going to lunch with rachel and maybe josh? rachel can meet this crazy person i tell her about haha.
this summer has been a crazy one..and not in a good way. I lost two friends (dan and amanda)..neither of which situation i am over..they both still make me very angry to think about…i wanted to hang myself a lot of times because of my job (not really..but you know)..i almost didnt think i was going to be able to do concerto.. and i had no fatty 🙁 It has not been a fun summer…i am ready for it to be over.