and it begins..
Today was the last day of classes..woooooooooo hoooooooooo!!!!!:~D i got up for my LAST 8AM THEORY CLASS EVER!! its so nice..cause at the end of sophomore year, we are finished with a lot of things. (should be) done with theory, piano, music history…well im not done with history..or theory..but for the most part i am. I dont have to get up for 8am theory ever..again…which is allllll i care about:) i have to take an upper level theory and music history at some point, cause im a performance major too..but idc. They are switching the scheduling of classes allll around next, freshmen are getting stuck with the 8am theory, and sophomores are getting the 10 and 11:00 class times..this is cause sophomore year is the hardest for music ed. majors (which most of us are here), and getting up at 7am everyday doesnt help. but..the freshmen arent gonna make it lol..its hard having theory at 8am, hard to pay attention.. Theyre also changing ensemble times…which is not i have rehearsal from 1-3 tues thurs, now theyre shifting it back an 12-2..doesnt sound like a lot, but its a huge difference. Theres conflicts with classes i need to take now, and that means i dont get to eat on tues thurs…i’ll have class from 930am straight through i’ll just be eating in class i guess..o well.
while this is fantastic that classes are over….now begins the week of hellllllll….finals… i plan on spending the majority of the next 3 days in a practice room. I have my written theory standard exam on monday, followed by aural theory standard (they go right in a row, 2 hours) then i have my music history exam monday too….. tuesday.. my jury, and sight singing exam…thats gonna be a bad day..stressful… then i have nothing til thurs, which is my percussion proficiency, im a little nervous for that one..i just need to practice tho. So..i’ll be camping out in a practice room for the next 3 days..yay..happens every semester..i’ll easily spend like..5-6 hours straight in there..its awful, but id just rather do it all at once, cause once i leave, i dont wanna go back lol.
i figured id write now, cause i probly wont have time to til..late next week..if that. Cant waiittt to go home..this semester has not been fun. i just hope i make it through all that ^^ ok:~/