Progressive elaboration

Sometimes it’s best not to have the full plan at the outset – just have an idea, a few estimates on how to get there, and then review as data becomes available. It is better to be vague than to assume things which aren’t true, I think. Most of the time, anyway. And certainly if you’re me.

Went for another run this morning, on 3 hours sleep (I slept for about 15 hours yesterday, I didn’t really need much). Now I’m going to go and work a full day, including 2 hours of someone else’s work. Yippee. I still haven’t bought tape for my hand. Online course material has landed, have spent about 4 hours doing 2 hours of it. I’m taking a lot of notes though. Depending on how I feel that’s going, I may cut back to just skimmable stuff – lecture notes, rather than text study ones. I plan to finish another 2 modules this week, and revise / retest all of them.

Another run tomorrow, I think. Current thing is 1 minute run, 1 minute fast walk, for half an hour. 3-4 a week (Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun?) for a couple of weeks and then I start tilting the ratio in favour of the run. Also, 3 sets each 10 crunches, 5 pushups. It’s amazing how unfit you can get in 5 years. Once I’ve got a routine down with the education stuff, I’ll start in on music again, 1 hr per night either theory or playing something, alternating. I think I’d like to be able to teach beginners guitar + theory. Should check out what the deal is with that. I have a friend who used to teach singing, she may have an idea. AMEB exams, level 7 or 8. I could get there in a year or 2. May have problems with technique, I’m pretty sure my form is dreadful. I wonder if there are exercises one can do? I’ll be giving google a bit of a workout later, I think.

That’s about it for this morning. Hope everyone out there in internetland is well.


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the plans sound good to me, I hope this crappy weather isn’t too much of a deterrent! xxx

the plans sound good to me, I hope this crappy weather isn’t too much of a deterrent! xxx

the plans sound good to me, I hope this crappy weather isn’t too much of a deterrent! xxx

October 13, 2010

Fascinating font you use. I agree about the plans, too many specifics can make initial ideas seem like chores. Be well.

October 13, 2010

Fascinating font you use. I agree about the plans, too many specifics can make initial ideas seem like chores. Be well.

October 13, 2010

Fascinating font you use. I agree about the plans, too many specifics can make initial ideas seem like chores. Be well.