
Ridiculous Hair

* I have very, very bad hair. It hasn’t been cut for 6 months (I’m CRAP at getting my ass to the hairdresser). To be frank, I look like a cross between Krusty the Clown and Sideshow Bob.


* I am completey, utterly addicted to Facebook. I only discovered it last week. I’ve been messaging all my old colleagues from Teletext(my old workplace)-haven’t spoken to a lot of them since 2003 when I left! It’s weird-at Teletext I was a party girl, out every night, regularly rolling into work drunk or very very hungover. Most of my managers were on cocaine and partying was positively encouraged-we even had all-expenses-paid weekends in Glasgow and Barcelona in 2001 which was basically a drink-a-thon.

Most of my old colleagues can’t believe I’m married, let alone that I have a baby. I feel like I’m mixing 2 worlds-the old crazy me and the new more sensible me-and it feels weird. But have I really changed that much?

William News

* Had a breathrough with the cup! I put a lump of melon in the water in the cup which made a BIG difference. I really don’t want to start giving William juice as he’s so used to water so my cunning plan is get him used to the cup using flavoured water and then use it just for water with his mealtimes. He did take the spout in his mouth but to be honest he much preferred drinking from it without the lid on. Which was messy but hey. Result! Also, as one of my faves suggested, I’m putting it on his tray for him to pay with and get used to at mealtimes. It’s great!

* He now has 5 teeth. I kinda miss his gummy smiles.

* He’s nearly got the hang of PROPER crawling. He gets on all fours, puts his knee and hands forward….and then collapses in a heap! It’s so funny.

* My mum very kindly got us a playpen. She’s of the old school, firm hand school of parenting and I know she thinks I pander to William too much. I’m just not really sure about how I feel about playpens. It’s got mesh sides and is very, very big. Too big, in fact, to go in our sitting room. I don’t know what to do with it now. I can’t shove William in it upstairs in the nursery while I sit and watch TV down here can I?! But it woud very useful to have somewhere safe to put him when I pop to the loo etc. I think I’m going to have to return it.

Money Situation

….is very, very bad. At the moment, I am woefully short of funds to cover my June rent-let alone anything else. Mike is confident we’ll get his owed bank charges (£2000) back in the next couple of weeks (by law, the bank has to respond within a fortnight of receiving a letter). I’m not so sure. We’ve exhausted most of our borrwoing options: bank, my parents, his parents. We have one option left-my rich, city trader brother. However he’s just returned from 2 weeks in Japan so I doubt he’s got a lot of cash spare.

I’m so close to starting work now. Just a few more weeks and all these money woes will be a thing of the past. *very deep sigh*


* Why is it that every time we have a chat and I ask him to be a bit more proactive in looking after William etc, things are fab for a couple of weeks and then it goes back to the way it was?? Are my standards too high or something?

Stuff I’m worried about

1. Money. Obviously.

2. Leaving William with my inlaws while we go to the wedding. I know, I know. I just can’t help it. I’m going to write a MANUAL with instructions. I don’t care if they think I’m being bossy. They are going to do things MY way and that’s the end of it.

I need to catch up with my noting. William was an angel all day yesterday and we had a wonderful day. Today he’s a fusspot.

Love Cookie xxxxxx


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May 22, 2007

Ive found the same thing. Alot of my old friends dont even talk to me cos they think im some weird alien whos obsessed with my boys. They forget that I am infact the same person, I just have a diff daytime life now. It gets quite upsetting doesnt it 🙁 I hope your money situation improves soon hun. Money is the root of all evil!!! Take care hun xxxxxx

May 22, 2007

5 teeth! Holy sh*t! I’m jelous because kaia is 9 months with none. LOL. Oh well. All in good time.

May 22, 2007

I hate money 🙁

May 22, 2007

I never really used a playpen either, had the pack-n-play up for awhile but it was kinda useless. LOL, spent the morning with at my friend’s place, she has a five month old and he has the most gorgeous gummy grins. I forgot what those looked like. 🙂 Def write an instruction manual, if you write things they don’t need, they’re there. If they DO need the hints, they’ve got ’em. You’ll worryless if you KNOW what you’ve sent.

RYN about my sister being kind and sweet: She is. 🙂 Also, I’ve never seen the British version of The Office, but would like to. We need to swap! 🙂

May 22, 2007

you could probably exchanged the playpen for a smaller one that is easier to transport if you wanted to take it to a park or something. just a thought. 😀 money sucks, the root of all evil, indeed!

lol, hun i do the manual when abigail’s gone for a few hours, much less nights. so dont feel bad. ahh i love abigail’s play pen. she wasn’t fond of it at first, and i didn’t care for it at first. but now it’s great. i lay abigail in there at naptime with some toys and she’ll play until she falls asleep. or if I NEED to get some cleaning done, she’ll plop in there, and watch TV for a few or play

I dont agree with basically leaving a child in one for hours, but it definitely comes in handy. It’s up to you though hun. …and by the way, Congrats William for your sippy cup breakthrough!!

May 24, 2007

I haven’t been to the hairdresser’s since November so I look awful too. It needs to be sorted. Yay for William with the cup! Angelo’s still not a big fan although he did have a few sips the other day. 5 teeth?! Wow!!! We’re still toothless here…. Fingers crossed for those bank charges being refunded soon. *hugs*

May 24, 2007

I think a playpen is handy for when you need them out of your hands for a minute.. when you need them immobile and safe! I miss Jake’s gummy smiles too! So much!! BTW, keep July 28th free for Jacob’s 1st birthday party.