*Very deep sigh*

I feel really sad.

William still isn’t settling at night. I just can’t let him cry it out. Earlier he fell asleep during feeding, I placed him in his cot, then half an hour later he was grizzling. Dinner was nearly ready, and Mike got all strict, saying, ‘we’ve got to leave him, he’s just tired.’ I sat there listening to his grizzles build up into cries, all my natural instincts telling me to go and soothe him but feeling that I shouldn’t because Mike and all the books etc. say opposite.

Eventually I abandoned dinner, went upstairs and picked him up. Crying stopped instantly. There were tears in his eyes and he was hungry. I fed him more. Mike fed him more. He fell asleep at about 8.30pm-an hour and a half after we put him down.

His bedtime used to be 8pm. Perhaps moving it forward to 7pm has messed everything up. Mike and I are picking at each other in the evening because it’s stressing us out. The daytimes, conversely, are a breeze.

We need to get this sorted.

Mike is a wonderful husband and we had the most wonderful wedding anniversary yesterday, but I feel irrationally cross at him right now. I also feel cross at myself because I’m so confused about what to do about this whole bedtime disaster. I feel terrible about leaving William to cry for even the shortest amount of time, which I know is silly. I feel like I’m abandoning him. But I also feel like if I keep on going up to see him and pick him up, he’ll soon realise that everytime he cries, I’ll come running. Oh God, I don’t know what to do.

This is quite a depressing entry. I have loads of good stuff to tell you. We’ve had a lovely day putting our tree up. Our anniversary was really lovely and romantic. I’ll have to write all about this, and note everyone, tomorrow.

Tomorrow we are going into school to show William to all my old colleagues……..*takes deep breath at the thought of taking the tube with a 3 and a half month old*……given that I’m in quite a negative frame of mind at the mo, it’s the last thing I feel like doing.

The only possible answer to all this crap can be lots of chocolate. Luckily I have a huge tub of Quality Street by my side.

lots of love happycookie xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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I remember bedtime disasters and I have some head of me. In time and with work they work out. If you dont want to let him cry then dont. There is nothing really to say either way is the right way. Your the mum and if you do something you feel is wrong your baby will pick up on your uneasyness.

Try not to stress. Your baby wont be like this forever. Dealing with babies is all about dealing with stages. Nothing stays the same for long. Try just going in every few minutes to pat him on the back and comfort him instead of leaving him for a long while and then getting him when he is very distressed.

I know its deafening when there are so many people giving out such different advice. Listen around, take what sounds and feels right and work with it..eventually you will get that groove your looking for 🙂 AND DONT LET ANYONE MAKE YOU FEEL GUILTY!!!! No mum is perfect…we are all learning 🙂

December 19, 2006

Awww…*HUG* It’s hard, the night times. William is still comparitively very young, he’ll figure it out soon enough. Saying that, the best piece of advice I’ve got is for you and Mike to sit down and decide how you want to tackle this TOGETHER and then both stick to it. Compromise. You’ll find something that works for the three of you. It took Sam until he was SEVEN months. But now he goesto sleep and naps with no problems, rarely cries out in the night (and if he does he NEEDS something). You’re doing great. 🙂

December 19, 2006

Awww. Sorry you’re having a rough time. Personally I tried the CIO once, and felt awful. Haven’t done it since. You have to go with what works for your baby, not what some book tells you. YOU know YOUR baby best. Good luck!

December 19, 2006

Do what you think best, the books say all sorts of things, most of them wrong. We let Soren go to sleep when he is tired and don’t worry about getting to bed at a certain time. Sometimes he goes right down and sometimes we have to hold him till he is almost asleep or alseep before we can put him down and have him stay asleep. It all works in the end.

December 19, 2006

Have fun taking William on a little trip, it will go well. Good luck with bedtimes…

December 19, 2006

RYN:// Thank you!!! ♥ Amanda

December 19, 2006

Going from 8 pm to a 7pm bedtime overnight is a big jump for babies. Try slowly making it earlier from 8pm, like go 7:45, 7:30, 7:15, then finally 7pm. It should be easier! Also, not all of the books are right. You don’t have to do what they say. You have to do what YOU feel is right for your and your baby. If you want to pick him up, do it. Don’t feel guilty about it. You’re the mom.

Maybe the key is finding a compromise between crying it out and running in at every cry. I let Ari cry for a few minutes, then I’ll go in and soothe her without picking her up. Some nights it takes 5 trips in, other nights, I don’t even need to go in once. But ultimately, it’s up to you to figure out what works best for you. *Hugs*

your instincts will not lead you wrong. dont listen to the books about everything. do what you think is best for william. i was the same way, and now abigail is great with bedtime. instead of putting abigail down at 7 like i had been, i keep her up until about 8:00 or 8:30 and 9 times outta 10, she sleeps all night because she’s so wore out. that might be william’s problem. you might have made

that leap too fast. do the earlier bedtime gradually. that way he doesn’t feel so off kilter. just remember, do what YOU feel is the right thing to do. it will all work out in the end hunny. *hugs*

December 19, 2006

You know if you figure out the bedtime thing, let me know because I certainly have not.

December 19, 2006

I think my Riki and your Mike share the same ideas where it concerns the cry it out method. I also was worried that kaia would cry JUST to be picked up. I tried to leave him as Riki would say to do but it didnt work. Kaia just got more upset and settling him down again was worse. When kaia cries i pick him up and settle him down again in my arms. He feels safe and normally will drop off to sleep

December 19, 2006

continued. Alot of people on here have suggested a 7pm bedtime for kaia too and i tried it for about a week before i realised it just was not going to happen. Kaia has 3 naps during the day. 10am 2pm and between 4 and 5pm. The last one is normally the longest and goes till 7. Then i feed him and we play and hes normally tired by 8. Then we bath, baby massage final feed and hes normally ….

December 19, 2006

continued pt3 really tired by the time i wrap him up and give him his last bottle. By 9pm hes fast asleep till around 6am. I’ve never had much trouble with getting him to bed at night but i’ve noticed that since we got the naps during the day sorted out hes even easier to get down at night. HOws the nap times going? Hang in there. It will get better. I swear.

A lot of babies at his age don’t sleep through the night. India still doesn’t now and she’s 15 months. Hopefully it’s just a little phase for William like a growth spurt or something. It’s just one of those things they grow out of when they’re ready. It’s very frustrating when you don’t know if there really is something wrong or if they are just crying because they don’t want to miss anything..

.. I used to get India up when she sounded very upset and it’s only been quite recently that I let her cry it out. If she sounds really upset i’ll go in and lie her back down but I won’t get her up. Things seem to be improving slowly but surely. I hope things improve for you soon! X

December 19, 2006

Jacob’s bedtime has actually gone from 8pm to 8.30pm, and now it’s closer to 9pm. He dictates it, by when he’s eaten enough and how long it’s been since his last nap. Maybe you’re having problems because you’ve disregarded a routine for during the day, but trying to enforce one at night.. Maybe you should just let him decide if that’s how it works during the day.. you say daytimes are a breeze! I can’t sympathise with bedtime disasters because my little guy goes down so well. It does cut into our night a bit having to get him ready for bed from around 8pm, and soemtimes I do wish he’d go down earlier.. but Ed & I do it all together, the bath, the pyjamas, the book, the feed.. and that way it’s a nice time for us all to be together. Just remember, like missmellymoo said, it’s a stage and it will pass. And if you’re not happy about letting him cry, don’t! Go with your own instincts.. it might mean that yes, William will learn (or has learnt) that crying = mommy, but it’s your choice between that and feeling guilty. In this entry, he was crying for food.. so you were totally right to pick him up. Don’t let Mike or a bunch of faceless people make you feel bad xxx

You’ve been tagged. Check out my entry :))) *HUGS*

December 20, 2006

*hugs* We had a few weeks of nights like that when Angelo was 6 weeks old and again the last couple of weeks too. I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to do the crying out thing…I can’t do it either. I think you can only do what feels right to you, regardless of what the books say. They all say different things anyway. At the moment, it takes about three tries for Angelo to fall asleep

December 20, 2006

but I’m just going with the flow and keeping fingers crossed that he goes back to falling asleep easily again eventually. Keep smiling, it’ll work itself out in the end :o)

BTW: youre on the front page…yipee 🙂

RYN: The annoying thing is that they mean well and it’s nothing in particular. His mum is sooo patronising, has the most annoying voice and is very tactless and nosey. His dad is a no it all who just goes on about when he went to vienna or moscow etc. Thats all he talks about. They are fine in very small doses but 5 days in the middle of no where is going to be a nightmare! What are yours like?..

.. I hope your 5 days go smoothly! *hugs* X