Update…with pics

Can’t believe it’s been nearly a week since my last update…where have the days gone?!

Here’s what’s happened:

1. Went through a rather low patch for a couple of days last week. The constant cycle of feeding/soothing/burping/expressing/worrying whether my little boy is happy and stimulated got me down. I do it all day, all night and it never blinkin’ ends….I think it’s bound to get you down!! Ended up bickering with Mike about silly things which depressed me even more. We’re ok now…we’ve agreed to stop taking things out on each other and have more ‘couple time’.

2. I also got rather down about William’s health….

* He STILL has a touch of jaundice. It’s been 5 weeks now!!

 *His latest jaundice blood test result showed that his thryoid level was ‘borderline high’. He has to have a repeat test in a month. I panicked and fretted for a day about what that meant but my mum found out from a doc that it’s almost certainly nothing to worry about *fingers crossed*.

*His eye is still gunky, and I found out from another doc that babies can have blocked tear ducts for anything up to a YEAR!!!  Yuck.

*He’s been REALLY windy recently, and been getting a lot of trapped wind which makes him cry and grunt and screw his little face up til it turns practically purple. It upsets me to watch it! He also does the most gross-smelling farts. How can my little angel pass such foul-smelling wind?! I just don’t get it!

3. The nights have been a mix of good and bad………we’re doing the routine every night and he usually sleeps well from about 9pm til 12/1am, but settling him after that middle-of-the-night feed is HARD. Last night he just lay in his basket and grunted like a pig til 6am, when I finally relented and put him in my bed!

4. Went to a wedding at the weekend! I was extremely apprehensive about how I was going to cope with expressing (obviously not something you can do in public!), then storing my milk, and being apart from William…babies were banned at the wedding, so my mum and dad came with us to look after William while we were getting drunk (I WISH!!!). In the end it was all fine, although there was no fridge in our hotel room, so I ended up storing my breastmilk in the industrial-sized kitchen fridge amongst all the posh food!! Even though William was never far away, and I went to see him every half an hour, I missed him like crazy.

My dad really has a knack with babies. Yesterday William was all wriggly and grunty-think he had wind. My dad took him off me to say goodbye, as they were about to set off home. The second my dad started talking to William he stopped grunting and just lay there calmly. And then when he passed William back to me he went all grunty and wriggly again and actually started CRYING! It was embarrasing. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this but I was JEALOUS! Has my dad got some sort of magical powers?! I want to be the one who can stop my baby crying in an instant! I know I sound sulky but last night I was ridiculously tired and this silly little incident got me down. I think it’s wonderful that my dad is so good with William but it left me feeling a bit like a rubbish mum. I know in my heart that I’m not but I still don’t feel terribly confident about my mummy skills.

Anyway, that’s about it! Feeling positive about everything today-it’s an ‘up’ day! My litle boy has been awake most of the day so hopefully he’ll sleep well tonight. There’s GREAT TV on so I hope so!

Here’s some pics of the little man that I took last week……

A gangsta pose….

Looking at himself in the mirror on his playmat…..

Looking gorgeous in a cute outfit from Mamas & Papas…..

See you soon dudes!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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October 2, 2006

Sorry last week was so up and down for you. Im glad you and Mike are going to have more couple time, its easy to get snappy when you are tired. ADORABLE PICS! He is so precious. Hope you had fun at the wedding, even though william couldnt be there. Im sure that his health is ok, he will be fine 🙂

October 2, 2006

he is so precious!! I have an aunt that has the sweet touch with Anthony and it kinda made me sad, but then im glad SOMEONE can relieve his stress! hehe

October 2, 2006

It does seem like an endless cycle of baby for the first bit but things will calm down and soon you’ll find you have couple time again. And even me-time! Heat up your flat, strip William down to his nappy and pop him on a blanket in a patch of sun. That will help with the jaundice. The tear duct may look gross but will even out. Did the doc tell you you could massage it to help it empty out? RYN: It means exactly what it sounds like. we’ll find out in a fortnight. 😉

October 2, 2006

Awwww…dont you worry about your ‘mummy skills’….You are doing just fantastic and you have a beautiful, healthy baby boy there! xxxx

October 2, 2006

Aww hunny hes so beautiful. Lovely name too 🙂 Im sorry you had a tough week. I can relate *hugs* I hope it gets better soon. Lots of love xxxxxxxxx

October 2, 2006

He’s so damn cute!Missed you this weekend Clarebear. Hope to talk to you soon :o) xxx ps – sure little man is doing just fine you paranoid mummy. You’re fab so stop worrying!! xxx

October 2, 2006

ryn: ask whatever you want cookie xxx

I cant believe babies were banned from the wedding! He is adorable, so scrumptious! You’re doing so well hun! xxxx

October 2, 2006

aw i know what you mean with the sleeping. Kaias first sleep after his bath is so restfull and peaceful but once hes up at 130am hes a little poo and just moans on and off till morning unless i put him in our bed with us. Kaia had jaudice for awhile too. I just put him out in the sun whenever it came out (it was winter over here).

October 3, 2006

hes such a cutie, and its not that ur dad has like a super power, its that when the baby gets uspet so do you, which makes him more upset.your dad was calm