Toilet Talk (TMI?)


Here’s the latest in Happycookie Land, handily written in bullet-point form…..

1. *Beginning of TMI* I can’t stop visiting the bathroom. Seriously. Last night I went 4 TIMES. It was pretty much every 2 hours on the clock…..12.30am, 2am, 4am, 6.30am……and I barely drank anything for hours before bed. Getting out of bed is a mission every time cos my pelvis and legs somehow get stiff and painful while I’m asleep. So after rolling out of bed in a very undiginified manner, with limbs flying everywhere, I waddle stiffly, groaning, to the bathroom, usually tripping over my hairdryer and cursing in the process. If Mike was awake to watch me do this, he’d piss himself laughing!!!

And now I have the runs!! Got a bit excited this morning, cos I’ve read somewhere that diarrhoea can mean the beginning of labour! But I’m only 36+6 and have no other symptoms, so I doubt it’s happening yet. Wishful thinking eh? *End of TMI-that wasn’t so bad was it?!*

My leg cramps are getting worse as well. And my little man seems to think it’s funny to wake me up by kicking me crossly in the ribs! Bless. I’m not moaning, by the way…it’s all quite amusing, and I can put up with it cos I know it’s going to end soon!

2. Mike’s mum and dad are coming on Friday to stay til Tuesday.  

Memo to self: Do NOT go into labour this weekend when they are here. I do NOT want to be watched as I writhe around in agony. This is actually quite a worry-I really only want Mike with me in early labour. If it DOES happen this weekend (surely unlikely….?) I might have to boot them out……

3. Had our last antenatal class last night.  I’ve REALLY enjoyed the classes. And I’ve met some lovely people in the class. A couple called Mike and Deirdre are particularly nice, and I think we’ll see quite a lot of them. MY Mike had to change a nappy on a baby doll last night to show us all how it was done. He did it AMAZINGLY well…..I was very proud!!

I think I’m going to have to go, cos the baby is moving around like crazy and it’s getting quite uncomfortable! 37 weeks tomorrow!!! (despite what my ticker says….it’s always wrong). Woohoooo! I think that’s considered full term, although obviously the longer he stays in there the better…’s all getting very close now. I can’t WAIT!!!

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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August 23, 2006

CONGRATS on FULLTERM!! Mini cookie is almost cooked! Whoot! Yeah, the peeing thing only gets worse. Babe’s is obviously using your bladder as a trampoline. lol. I will send you calm uterus non-labour vibes for the weekend. 😉

August 23, 2006

whoo hoo! I bet you can breathe a little easier knowing the baby will be fine if born now. I hope this weekend goes well (without labor). I am just starting to understand the peeing more thing and i know it will only get worse.