
Where, oh where has all this tiredness come from?! Is this going to be it now til the end?? Finishing school every day, ready to drop, then having to commute home half-asleep?! By the time I finish the 15 mins walk from the station to home, I’m practically crawling. And still 4 weeks of work to go!!!! ARGGGGHHHH!!! On Monday night I fell asleep on the sofa at 8.30pm….it’s like my first trimester all over again. And my bump feels HEAVY. And huge. Like it needs its own trolley to wheel it along. How can it get any bigger?! HOW WILL I STAND UP WITHOUT OVERBALANCING?!!!

Anyway – enough moaning. The baby’s kicks have changed. It feels like he’s running out of room in there and can’t move as freely as he used to. The kicks are sharper and higher. Wish I knew what position he was lying in! I seem to be going through a worry-wart phase at the moment. Worry at intervals throughout the day that something horrible is going to happen to the little man, either whilst I’m still pregnant or during the birth. If I don’t feel him kick for a while, I start to worry. Very silly, but I guess I feel like I’ve come this far, the end is so near and I just wanna get there and meet him! Sure I’ll snap out of it soon……I’m not normally a worrier at all, and I hate feeling like this. Is this what motherhood is going to be like, forever?!

Booked a class trip to the London Aquarium for mid July, just before the end of term! The kids will love it, and I haven’t been for ages! Will be very tiring taking 30 kids on the tube (ARGHHHHHHH!!!!) and then round the Aquarium, but it’ll be worth it.

I’m too sleepy to type anymore. 28 wks tomorrow! Yay! Will post bump pics tomorrow night if I remember. It’s my birthday on Saturday too!!! I’ll be 27 years old. First non-boozy birthday since I was 17! Crikey. I still get v.excited about my birthday. Mike and I always plan surprises for each other. Yipeeeeeeeee!

lots of love happycookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Im going to be examining some pregnant bellies tomorrow for my exam…its quite easy to feel how your babbie is lying and its easier to tell now because you know where the kicks are concentrated more. Have a feel! Its so much fun!

June 21, 2006

Happy early birthday and I hope you’re not too tired to enjoy it 🙂

June 22, 2006

Mine moved up around 27w too – you’re like my OD twin hehe 🙂 I’ve learnt when mine is head down now, you can get a feel for it if you spend some time examining your tummy everyday, especially when baby is active. I love the Aquarium, haven’t been for ages xxx

June 22, 2006

I used to love going to the Aquarium when I was little. It was always so magical!! Happy early birthday too. Hope you have a fab day 🙂 Love you lots xxxx

June 23, 2006

Happy early B’day! HAve a great non-boozy day tomorrow. Last year, I turned thirty when I was 8m preg. Def not the 30th I’d intended, lol!!