Tagged *edit*

<———————Proper entry that way

Misteries of life tagged me, so here goes-7 random facts / habits:

1. I am addicted to webcams that show the day to day going-ons in places such as New York, Miami, etc. I’m so desperate to do a tour of the States, and it gives me a little flavour…..

2. I really want my next baby to be a girl. If it is, I probably won’t have any more. Hopefully we’ll start trying next summer…..

3. I LOVE Bermuda. My dad used to live there, and I visited it 4 times. It was amazing.

4. At university I was extremely promiscious. I won’t go into numbers…….

5. I’ve bitten my nails since I was 9.

6. I’m very outgoing and confident but get EXTREMELY nervous in large groups…and tend to go very quiet.

7. My 2nd toe on each foot is much longer than my first toe. It looks weird.

That was fun! I should imagine everyone else has been tagged now!


PS For the third night in a row, I’ve put William down to sleep on his back and he’s rolled onto his side! He seems much more comfortable that way. It’s been drummed into me by countless books, magazines etc that side sleeping is risky but hey, what can I do?!

I had a bath with him earlier. It was gorgeous. He kicked his little legs under the water happily. It made me go all gooey. In fact today had been such a lovely bonding day. He’s smiled, laughed, cooed at us and generally been a gorgeous little boy. I feel all loved-up.*contented sigh* 

Query: will I be feeling this mellow tomorrow when THE INVASION begins?! Watch this space……

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December 22, 2006

Oh no you have weird toes!!! *runs away*

My toes sound similar to yours but mine are slightly webbed too! X

December 22, 2006

You know, sleeping on their back is best but if they can roll themselves over I wouldn’t worry so much. Kathryn hasn’t slept on her back in months. She sleeps on her side or her tummy 🙂

December 22, 2006

You must go into numbers!

December 22, 2006

Kaia likes sleeping on his side when hes all snuffly so we brought him one of those safety sleepers where you kinda strap them in so they can’t roll onto their tummies. I know a couple of times before i got that safety sleeper i stuffed rolled up swaddling cloth in front of him so he couldn’t go onto his tummy. *screams* LONG TOES???! LOL. oh wait…. mine are too. *Runs away*

my toes are crooked. 🙁

December 22, 2006

we should trade places. you would like to visit the US, and i want to go to the UK more than anything. someday maybe i’ll get to.

ryn – I hope I am too 🙂 Yes its summer here…and in Queensland it can get VERY hot, but our little town is a lovely place and we are glad to have a very well situated house 🙂

December 23, 2006

Angelo’s started rolling onto his side and halfway onto his tummy to sleep sometimes. I don’t think it’s a problem when they’re able to do it themselves. I’m trying to persuade my fiance to try for #2 next summer as well. Originally we said 2008 but I don’t want to wait that long. I’m planning a honeymoon baby…shhh ;o) Good luck with the invasion!

Ive had that same battle with De since he was 2 weeks old! He has preferred his side ever since he could roll over himself. I have nightmares these days cause he wants on his tummy!

oh and RYN: If you only saw my house! LOL! NOT organized at all! too much crap to be! I dream of it one day all being organized though 🙂

December 23, 2006

How goes the invasion? We’ve agreed 2008.. I’m thinking I can get him to move it forward 6 months. Well, that would give us a 2008 baby, wouldn’t it? ;o) xxx

December 24, 2006

RYN: You upload your videos to youtube or clipshack or something and then they give you the coding to put it in your entries 🙂 I don’t have an accent!! LMAO

December 24, 2006

Genna uses her legs and swings them to the side until her body rolls with them…it scares me but youre right there is nothing you can do.

December 24, 2006

I always let my two sleep in whichever position they got themselves into..never did them any harm, and it wasnt so long ago, that I stopped taking my baths with Laura. It feels so goooooood to have a bath with your baby!! Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow also!! xxxx

December 24, 2006

Actually..that reminds me..I even breast fed Laura in the bath!!!