
Busy: I’ve been soooooo busy this week. I went to the toddler group twice, I walked over to Deidre’s house (50 mins pushing a double buggy!!), I had my midwife appointment, I took the kids to the park twice, and soft play yesterday morning. Last night I was in bed by 9.20pm-I was so tired I felt poorly.

First trimester tiredness: is a bitch. I remember it soooooo clearly from my last pregnancy. When you’re looking after 2 kids under 2, or 3 like I do on Monday and Wednesday, there’s no time to nap, or even rest. I’m always doing stuff, clearing up, tidying, etc, and I walk everywhere. Maidenhead town centre is a 20-25 minute walk from here, down a hill. Walking back up that hill, pushing a double buggy, often laden with shopping, is a killer at the mo. Not sure how I’m going to do that when I’m heavily pregnant.

Materialism: This week I realised I’m the only one of all of my friends that a) doesn’t own a house or b) own at least 1 car. They’ve all decided to buy a house first, do lots of DIY and go for kids in their thirties. Personally, it may not be conventional but I like the way Mike and I are doing things. They’ll be plenty of time to get a lovely house, car, and lots of fancy things in our thirties. I always wanted 2 children before I was 30-and hey, look what happened!

It would be nice to own a car though. But we really can’t afford it right now. And I can’t even bloody drive.

Sick: I seem to spend most of the day feeling queasy. Eating helps, but all I crave is carbs. Crisps, chips, mashed potato. Fish fingers. Pizza. All the really healthy stuff . I’m trying to eat healthily, but an apple doesn’t stop the nausea in the same way that a packet of crisps does!

Midwife: I saw her on Thursday. She worked out my due date as the 9th Sept! I now seem to have about 5 different due dates based on my adjusted cycle length etc-I guess the scan will clear this up. She said that based on the letter from my 6 week check up, there’s no reason why I couldn’t have a normal delivery!!  Fab news. I wish that doctor hadn’t said anything about a c-section-it got me all flustered!

She also took my blood pressure, which is rather low -90/60. And I’m all booked in for my first scan! It’s in 4 weeks. I can’t wait! Once I see the little bean on screen, I’ll be really excited and can start planning…

Stomach: is huge already. I feel FAT.

Secret longing: Time to fess up. I really want a girl. Don’t tell anyone. A boy would be lovely too, of course. Especially as we have so many cool boys’ clothes. But…..doesn’t every girl want a girl? Not just to dress up….it’s the whole mother/daughter relationship. I’m so close to my own mum; always have been. We chat at least once a week, for at least an hour. We planned my wedding together, she was there for all my pregnancy worries and held my hand when I gave birth. I would love to have all that with my own daughter.

But genes dictate it’s highly likely I’ll have another boy-so who knows?! And boys are cool. I’m going to find out at the 20wk scan, so watch this space………..

I feel really, really tired now. William’s napping, and when he wakes up, we’re off to town (that bloody hill again) to do a bit of shopping and go to soft play. All I really want to do is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxx

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January 26, 2008

I’m ashamed to say I spent most of the first 12 weeks parked on the sofa. I know I’m so lucky that I had the option to do that! I hope you start feeling better soon 🙂

January 26, 2008

I don’t know how you’re doing it with all the kidlets in the house at the mo. I spent the first 16 wks sick as a dog, lying on the couch gagging while Sam played around/on me. Carbs were the only thing that semi-quelled my nausea too. Of course you want a girl! I didn’t find out and if Eva had been a boy that would have been fine but I probably would have felt like something was missing astwo kids is it for us. Every day I still look a my two kids and feel so blessed it make sme teary. Yeah, I can still blame pg hormones until she’s a year old. 😉

January 26, 2008

You have been very busy! Just think of how much all that walking will help to keep you in shape! I totally wish I could have kids right now. It’s great having a house and a car, which is a nessesity in Phoenix, but I really want kids myself.

January 26, 2008

Ugh hills and double buggies. I used to cheat and get the bus to take me two stops. I interviewed today for a family with ONE child aged 15 months! Bliss. I’d love a girl too but genes dictate here as well. AS it comes from the father I think its unlikely – Steven’s one of two boys and his brother now has two boys of his own. Pout. Saying that, I agree, boys are COOL! xxxx

January 26, 2008

I spent nearly all my pregnancy in bed, I felt soooo awful 🙁 I hope your sickness eases soon. Youre doing a fabulous job childminding, being a mum and being pregnant. I could never do that!!! xxxxxxxx

i really hope you get your wee girl wish.. :=) the whole mother daughter bond is un breakable isnt it! all the best

January 28, 2008

Hope you start feeling better soon. I remember being SO tired the first trimester…don’t know what I’ll do next time round. Our town centre’s the same distance away and uphill on the way back too…I usually walk there and get the bus home! Yay for the good news about the normal delivery :o) I really want a girl too for the same reasons. Sending pink vibes your way!!! xxx