
We move on Wednesday and the house is in chaos. I thought leaving everything to the last minute and then blitzing it would be a good idea… wrong I was.

I’m doing the packing single-handedly as Mike has loads on at work and couldn’t take today or tomorrow off.  Packing with a demanding 5 month old is……*insert expletive here*

Our finances are in such a mess. I had to borrow money off my brother to help pay the deposit for our new flat. If I think about money too much I begin to feel a bit sick so it’s best not to. In 1 months time we be reduced to living off a single income-which just isn’t possible. I need at least £1000 a month to cover my basics.

Ugh ugh UGH. I think I’m in denial.

On the plus side, I’ve set up my online book website! To all my British readers-PLEASE check out my site and buy kiddies books from me! The link is:

If you find stuff you like, please e-mail me your order (all details on the site)-that way you’ll pay less postage and packing.

I don’t know how long it will take to get the internet back up and running at our new place, but I’ll be back as soon as I can. Wish me luck with the move!

Love you all!

Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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February 5, 2007

I feel the same wayabout finances! The though of buying a house here in like 7 months is frightening, at least until I can see a substantial amount of savings and our bills are caught up!

Moving is so good and so frustrating at the same time. It will take a while for things to settle, but it’ll all be worth it. Good luck hun! Love to you and William!

Moving sucks, and so does all the unpacking afterwards. Hope everything goes smoothly for you! I know what you mean about the thought of $$ making you feel sick–I’m the same way.

February 5, 2007

Good luck with the packing! And I completely agree with you about the £ issue. We’ve been on one income since mid-Dec and it’s nowhere near enough. We’re surviving but only by putting a few things on credit cards which I hate doing. I’m avoiding thinking about how we’re going to manage until September when we get a house and I can start childminding :o( Hope the move goes smoothly!

Struggling with money is no fun. I know how you feel! I hope the move goes smoothly! X

February 5, 2007

there is no way i would have been able to pack a house with a baby! Way to go girl!

February 5, 2007

GOod luck with the move! I would buy books from you, but i am way the hell on the other side of the world.

February 5, 2007

Good Luck! It’ll all work out. You’re good people, you deserve it! Take Care!

February 5, 2007

Moving is ALWAYS crappy. Sending you happy baby/easy packing/easy unpacking/and some time for relaxing vibes. Will go have a tootle at your website asap! Hang in there.

February 6, 2007

RYN: We didn’t get any extra snow but the temps were really cold. It was about 5 degrees (-15 C) with windchills at -21 (-30 C) VERY cold.

February 7, 2007

Hope the move goes OK! XX

February 7, 2007

I hope the move goes well hunny xxxx

February 12, 2007

I was thinking about you today, hope the move went well and things are settling down now! 🙂

Heya hun, hope you’re ok *hugs*

Hey, Miss reading you… hope to see ya soon :))