
William and Rebecca are both asleep.  This happens about once in a blue moon. The house is perfectly silent…………ahhhhhh, bliss. I predict I have about 30 minutes of baby-free time before Rebecca wakes up screaming and I’ll be back on duty.

We had a lovely weekend. My brother is moving to Chicago on Friday permanently (sniff) as he’s a city trader and has been offered a shit-hot promotion over there. So we had a Chicago-themed family party on Saturday night! We got Chicago Town pizza and desserts, watched bits from the Chicago movie, I put on a fan because it’s the Windy City (a little lame, I know….) and my mum bought a load of fake snow which we threw in front of the fan because it’s supposed to be snowy there……….I also made up some silly games, including an embarassing quiz about Bruv! Heehee! I was going to do a Chicago tapdance, but sadly didn’t have time to do the choreography…… It was great fun, although I was a little sad as I may not see my little Bruv until August now.

He also gave us his widescreen TV as he’s going to buy all new stuff when he’s out there. It’s HUGE!

Yesterday was a busy day as I had William, Rebecca and Louis all afternoon. Permit me a little mummy bragging here. Louis is 2 next month and he can’t do half the stuff William can do. William can:

* point to most of his body parts when asked (‘Where’s your tummy, William?) and knows the names of his clothes (‘Get your trousers, William!’)

* can get me any if his toys or a story when asked (‘Where’s your bus, William?’) (‘Get me a story, Sausage’)

* Sits down, opens books, ‘reads’ to himself…he loooooooves books

* Will ‘pour’ me a cup of tea from his kitchen when I ask him to-he actually goes and gets his little kettle and a cup!

* Can build an impressive tower of bricks

* Kisses, hugs, dances and twirls when I ask him to

I discovered yesterday that neither Rebecca or Louis can do any of this stuff! Now is William advanced (although he’s not speaking), or is Louis a little behind? Who knows-but needless to say, I feel very proud of my little boy. He’s got so much personality. And yesterday, after his bath, he was stood up with his towel wrapped around him and he put his little arms around me and gave me a big hug! And he wouldn’t let go! It was so gorgeous.

In other news, every evening is a wipeout for me now as pregnancy tiredness has struck BIG time. Last night after a mad day of babies and then tutoring A-level English from 7-8pm, I was so tired I felt ill and fell into a deep sleep on the sofa at 9pm. Thankfully William’s sleep has been FAB recently, so at least I’m getting some good sleep at night.

Also, we’re thinking of moving later this year. This house just isn’t going to be big enough for 2 babies-our sitting room is teeny weeny. We may move to Reading, where we could afford to rent a 4-bedroomed house. Sadly buying a property isn’t even an option right now-unless we have a windfall.

Right, better go before the monkeys wake up – we’re off to town and soft play this afternoon. What I really feel like doing is curling up on the sofa and having a lovely long sleep, but heyho.

Love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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January 8, 2008

Hooray for sleeping babies in sync! It sounds like William is a typical child in that he’s advanced in some areas and behind in others. I see that a lot. B (who I used to care for) was exactly the same as William, even at 2 he still wasn’t talking other than the odd word but he was very quick and understood everything said to him with a fantastic memory. William’s speech will catch up. Enjoy your afternoon. Oh and if you move to Reading you’ll be closer to meeee! xxxxx

January 8, 2008

Both asleep at once is bliss…*says she who has Thing1 and Thing2 both napping* William’s a smart cookie, probably because you interact with him so much. Lucky boy. Sam understands EVERYTHING, follows complex instructions, knows loads and loads…but hasn’t said a word yet. i HOPE it catches up soon.

January 8, 2008

I don’t know how you guys afford gas much less than homes! When I visiting my friend paid over 60 pounds for gas, which is over 100 american dollars!

January 8, 2008

William sounds like a clever little man :o) Angelo can do some of that stuff but not all, especially not the cup of tea ‘pouring’!!! Yay for getting much-needed sleep! I wouldn’t worry too much about not being able to buy a property right now. My sister’s looking at the moment and Mario’s expert estate agent advice to her has been to wait and see what the market does this year as prices may

January 8, 2008

well drop. xxx

January 9, 2008

William is a clever little dude! So he’s not vocal yet – big deal. It’ll catch up. There are days that I wish Jake wasn’t so vocal… Do you read to William a lot? We read to Jake every night since he was about 3 months old, and he adores his books so much. He brings me them to read to him at least twice a day, and reads alone just as much as he plays with his trains.

January 11, 2008

Yay for babies sleeping at the same time! I love it when that happens!