Spiced Apple Lattes

Has anyone had one of these from Costa Coffee? They are GORGEOUS! I just met one of my friends from my antenatal group, Gillian, in Costa Coffee and I drank 2 -with whipped cream on top *drools*. William was an absolute angel. He was asleep, then woke up and after a bit of crying was quite content to quietly sit on my lap, listen to Christmassy tunes and watch the world go by while people cooed over him! It was wonderful and Gillian and I had a really good chat about all things mummy-like.

He cried again last night when we put him down-quel surprise. He was fed, winded, changed and we’d given him calpol and bonjela in case it was teething. Mike picked him up, rocked him, put him down again. WAAAAAAAAAAH. I stood and stroked his cheek for ages while he cried but in the end I just had to leave him to get dinner ready. It wasn’t proper screaming-just whingey crying cos he was overtired. After about 10 mins of intermittent crying he fell asleep and I burst into tears, convinced that I was a terrible mother who had abandoned her poor child. But what else could I do? If we keep on picking him up every time he cries this could go on for weeks. I want my evenings back!

I always bring him into bed with me at about 4/5am when he starts whinging. He LOVES sleeping next to me and I wonder whether this is part of the problem? Ho hum…….

We watched Jack and Sarah last night after he eventually settled -what a good film! Anyone else seen it? In my slightly emotional state it made me cry-a lot!

William’s awake now -better shoot!

lots of love happycookie xxxxxxxxxxx

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December 12, 2006

Ooh spiced apple lattes…sounds YUMMY!!!!!!! I feel your pain with the sleeping situation and wanting your evenings back. Last night was the first one in awhile that I didn’t have to spend an hour getting her to sleep!!

December 12, 2006

That sounds nummy! RYN: it’s like a handheld vacuum, they are wonderful!

I do the same thing with Ari when she resists bedtime. I’ll go back in a couple times to give her back her pacifier or talk softly to her (but I don’t pick her up). If she keeps it up, I just let her cry. More often than not, she falls asleep within minutes–though it feels a lot longer sometimes! 😉 I’ll even confess that sometimes I turn off the baby monitor so I don’t have to hear her cry. 😉

December 12, 2006

Sounds like a lovely meet-up. *drools* Must get to Costa Coffee. SOunds divine. Yum. You’re not an awful mum!! So William whinged and moaned for 10 minutes before having a sleep…bet he still gave you HUGE gummy grins and cuddles when he next woke up. RYN: I’d love a girl. Of course I would! But if it’s another boy, that’s okay. I won’t be sad it’s a boy but I think there willbe a tinge of sadness about never having a girl because two kids is it. My uterus is closed.

December 12, 2006

ryn: Yes I’m totally sick of being pregnant! I’ve had enough!

December 12, 2006

Has it dawned on you that maybe having too many sleeping places are causing the problem? i.e. pram for naps. cot for bed, mom’s bed after feed, dozing in bouncer etc? Just a thought :o) Again, I’d say use the cot for naps to, just to reiterate that it’s for sleep, but I know you’re not crazy about that idea. But don’t listen to me.. go do whatever you want. I probably don’t know what I’m talking about :o) And you’ve got no reason to feel bad about him having a whinge before he fell asleep. He’s getting to that age where he knows that crying = picking up, and you know him well enough to know it wasn’t anything else causing the fuss, so don’t worry! xxx

December 13, 2006

RYN: It’s a show about a doctor who solves puzzling illnesses! http://www.fox.com/house/

December 14, 2006

avoid Starbucks gingerbread latte *makes face*

December 14, 2006

I’ll have to try those, they sound great. I feel awful leaving Angelo to cry…I know it’s probably the best thing to get him back into his old routine but I keep making excuses why I can’t do it yet! Right now it’s because I’ve got earache and it’s agony listening to him so obviously the crying it out thing will have to wait!!!! *hugs*