Sleep! And jaundice…..

After 2 weeks of thrashing around in his moses basket and grumbling and crying whenever we put him down in it, William is FINALLY settling in his basket!!  For the past 2 nights he’s fallen asleep on one of us after a feed. We’ve then (very gently) swaddled him (just his legs-he likes his arms free), put him down, snuggled up in bed and gone to sleep!!! We’ve elevated one end of the mattress with a towel so he’s on a slant as well-perhaps he didn’t like lying flat?! We’re also using all the tricks to help him differentiate between night and day-a nightlight, talking in low voices and not speaking to him much during his night feed.

So for the last 2 nights I’ve had a good 5-6 hours-interrupted by a feed and breast pumping session, of course!!! Fingers crossed this continues-I can easily cope with nights like this!!!

William is such a contented baby. He only cries when he wants attention, or food. He doesn’t seem to suffer with wind and doesn’t even cry when his nappy is full of poo-he just grumbles! I’m so lucky! Still expressing and feeding via bottle, which is working really well. Tried to latch him on to my boob this morning and I think he managed it-it felt like he did!-but then he was crying and fell off!  Think he much prefers the bottle. I can’t wait til he’s weighed by the health visitor on Thursday-I hope he’s gained heaps. He was 6 lb 14 oz at the last weigh-in. He LOOKS fatter!

The health visitor popped in this morning (by accident-she had her dates confused). She didn’t stay, but she did look at William and say, ‘hmmmm, he still looks a bit jaundiced…..we’ll have to do a blood test on Thursday if he still looks like that.’ Instantly I felt panicky. I think he may still be a little bit jaundiced but it’s nearly all gone-I hope. It really should have by now-he’s 17 days old! Apparently there’s a condition called ‘breastfed jaundice’ where breastfed babies can have jaundice for weeks. No-one really knows why but it’s ironic that something that’s supposed to be amazing in every way for your baby can prolong an illness. There’s also a tiny chance he might have another more serious liver condition but I can’t even think about that.

The health visitor’s advice? ‘Get him out in the sunshine’. Today it is overcast and murky.

I love my boy so much. Pics to follow in my next entry!!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxx

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September 12, 2006

I don’t think breastfeeding jaundice is so bad. Both mine had it when tiny, and my midwife said the same thing. It doesn’t have to be sunlight, I think it’s the UV that breaks it down. I’d just sit him outside, cloudy or not!

September 12, 2006

is kind of ironic isnt it? im glad things are getting a bit better and your getting a little sleep!

Oh Im so glad things are looking up for you guys hun. Im sure the jaundice is nothing serious if he’s still gaining weight and enjoying his feeds etc. and I cant wait to see pictures!!!!! Im going to get so broody, I’ll have to prepare myself! *hugs to you* xxxxx

September 12, 2006

yay for sleep! :o) helps doesn’t it? hope little William stops his Simpson impression soon :o) don’t worry too much, if you can help it. Jake is a contented baby too – makes you wonder how you’d cope if William wasn’t so good doesn’t it?! But I think mommy’s outlook has a lot to do with it – I’m generally very happy and laid back, as are you, and I think it must rub off on them :o) xxx

September 13, 2006

whoo hoo for sleep!! Glad he is getting old enough to let you sleep a bit. Try not to worry about the Jaundice until you get any test results back…ill be praying that everything is ok 🙂

September 13, 2006

You don’t even need to get him outside, make sure the house is warm and put him on a blanket in the window in just his nappy for a bit! will def do the trick. 🙂

September 16, 2006

I agree…I don’t think it needs to be sunny, the UV can still break down the red blood cells so just put him by a window in just a diaper (just make sure it is nice and warm) and see if that helps! Emmie had it and that was our cure!