sick sick sick

Uuughh. Sorry for lack of updating recently but man alive, I’ve been feeling like crap, quite frankly.

In a nutshell:

* Sickness kicked in at 5 weeks and has plagued me ever since. I don’t get morning sickness – I get all-day, churning sickness which is just delightful!

* I’ve gone off tea & coffee (sob) just like I did with Sophie & all I want to eat is junk food – the kids of things I used to eat when hungover! Things like: waffles, crisps, cheese, full fat coke, white buttery bread, cake, pizza……all the really healthy stuff! *rolls eyes* It’s dreadful but it’s the only thing that seems to make me feel a bit better. Why can’t I be one of those women who go off food when they’re pregant and lose weight?? Instead I am going to be the size of a small house by the time Cookie no.3 is born! Arrghhh!

* I am so, so tired, all the time. Pregancy exhaustion is a killer. I’ve even been napping in the day! It’s so hard being pregnant with 2 kids to look after – I have to try & be all happy & upbeat even though I just want to crawl under the duvet all day…..

*…in fact, my first thought when I dragged myself out of bed this morning was: how many hours until I can get back into my PJs? I hate hate HATE having no energy 🙁

But! on the plus side….

* I’m 7 wks 4 days today!

* I’m looking forward to telling everyone when I have the 12 wk scan mid January & having a proper bump, instead of just massive girth. I love the 2nd trimester when you get your energy back and the sickness (hopefully) disappears. This is definitely the hardest bit….

Anyway! Gotta run, I’m a being a Big Bad Mum & letting the kids watch waaaaaay too much TV……..time to put my Happy Energetic Face on and turn it off!! *groan*

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Oh GAWD I hear you on all fronts there missus. My sickness was horrendous but it seemed to calm down at 8 weeks. The exhaustion however, won’t leave. Barrie’s actually forced me to go to bed at 8.30 tonight because I was comatose on the couch, lol! I keep hearing 2nd Tri is better…I’m demanding a refund if I’m still feeling this crap by then !!!! 😉 You’re a champ going through this with two little uns to look after too, you’re my hero!!! XXXXXXX

January 30, 2011

Ugh. I had terrible sickness from 5 to about 8 weeks. Then it disappeared. I was glad to see the back of it but it led to all sorts of worry as I didn’t *feel* pregnant anymore! Hope you get your energy back soon my lovey. With your scan being mid-January, you’re a little behind me. Princess peach pie and I are due on the same day so right now at the end if January I’m 17+2. Come back soon!

April 12, 2011

YOU UPDATED! And I never knew!!! Come back again soon, hope the little ones are behaving somewhat, that the bump is bumpy and you’re doing fab. 🙂

RYN: aw I’m sorry to hear things are rough with Charlotte’s feeding and jaundice 🙁 it’s so unfair. I agree, choccie wine and sleep is needed! I’ve got to go to the walk in centre tomorrow, my bloody c sec scar has opened up 🙁 x