Pregnancy Quiz

 Borrowed this off another diarist – I love this stuff!

When Did You Find Out: January 8th (I think) – it was a Friday anyway!

When Are You Due: September 15th

How Old Were You When You Got Pregnant: 26

Were You In A Relationship: Yep, been together for 6 years, married for 1

Who Was The First Person You Told: My friend Jackie, who was with me when I did the test (bizarrely!)

After That: My husband Mike, who was gobsmacked!

Did You "Know" You Were Pregnant Before You Took The Test: No. I was sure it would be negative. I’d had cramps and sore boobs but thought that was my period on its way! Also we’d only been trying for a month – I thought it was too soon.

What Do You Plan On Naming Your Baby: It’s a SECRET!!
When Did You Find Out The Sex Of The Baby: 9th May – a little boy!

Pregnancy Lows: Lots of nausea in first trimester, tiredness, having three bleeds in the first trimester, worrying about the baby not moving etc.
Pregnancy Highs: Feeling the baby kick and wriggle inside me (LOVE IT!), seing the baby at our scans, seeing my tummy grow, planning and buying lots of cute stuff.

Have You Been Sick A Lot: Never physically vomited, but lots of sickness up to week 14 or thereabouts. Especially when travelling on the tube.

Any Complications Thus Far: Three bleeds in the first 13 weeks – 2 of them tiny, one of them huge. Horrible.

Do You Have Any Cravings: First I craved curry. Then it was milk. And then sugary things like Haribo. Right now, I don’t seem to have any, but I’m eatin g a hell of a lot!

Who Do You Plan On Having In The Room With You When You Have The Baby: Just my husband. 
Will You Breastfeed Or Bottlefed: Breast is best!  If I can of course….
Where Will Baby Sleep: Moses basket in our room, then cot in our room
Will You Have To Work When The Baby’s Born, Or Will You Get To Stay At Home: I’ll be at home for at least a year, although I am planning to work as a registered childminder looking after my baby and some other children in my home after 6 months – we’ll need some cort of income! After a year, who knows?

Oooh! That was fun. I like quizzes. Norra lot has happened lately- went to see the midwife this morning; heard the baby’s heartbeat which was lovely! She measured my tummy and my bump size is just right! My iron levels are a bit low – probably because I eat barely any red meat. I have to eat more spinach! Yikes! Good job I like it!

Right – got to go and get ready – am meeting my friend Clare, who I call Pants (long story) for dinner tonight in central London. Do NOT feel like travelling on the tube in the middle of rush hour – what’s the betting no-one gives me their seat?! – but I haven’t really got a choice!!


love happycookie and minicookie xxxxxxxxxxx


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