Planned Caesarean?

I went to the doctors this morning to tell them I’m pregnant. It was PISSING it down with rain, and I was drenched through by the time I got there – it’s a 25 minute walk!

He told me my due date, asked me if I was taking folic acid and then asked if I’d had any complications in my last labour and delivery. I explained about the a) 36 hour labour b) my assisted delivery – episiostimy (sp?) and ventouse and c) the subsequent third-degree tear to my, erm, ass and the fact that I had to have an epidural after giving birth to stitch me up. *shudder*

He said I would need to chat to the ob at the hospital but apparently, the third-degree tear would be enough to warrant them strongly recommending a planned caesarean this time, as there’s a danger I’d tear scar tissue-which could leave me incontinent as I hit the menopause!

What a shock! I vaguely remember the docs saying this at the 6 week check up after having William – but obviously, getting pregnant was the last thing on my mind then. I’d kinda been planning a water birth at the birthing centre at the hospital this time, but he said there was no chance of that and even if I did decide to labour naturally, they wouldn’t just let nature take its course-they’d probably cut me immediately (didn’t really understand that part……?)

How bizarre. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Obviously I need to chat to the hospital docs. I’m not stupid; I’m not going to disregard all medical advice and if they say a c-section is best than so be it.  But……I loved giving birth naturally last time. Despite all the complications. I felt so euphoric, doing it all on just gas and air. It’s hard to imagine that euphoria after a c-section……I won’t have PUSHED the babe out!

Heyho. I’m seeing the midwife in 2 weeks time, and can chat to her about it then I guess.

I’ve had a killer headache this week, along with lots of lovely sickness which has been just swell. I swear it wasn’t this bad last time. Plus, my tiredness is just ridiculous and I can’t stop eating carbs -today I’ve eaten five crumpets. FIVE! Who ate all the pies….ah, that’s right, it was meeeee!

Speaking of carbs, I’m sending Mike out for fish and chips in a minute. YUM!

Adios amigos,

Clare xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Interesting. I, too, had a 3rd-degree tear, and when I asked my dr if it would mean I’d have a greater chance of tearing and/or tearing worse next time around, he said no. He said there will actually be less of a chance, since the scar tissue would make the skin tougher. *shrug* Who knows. I don’t have to worry about it yet, anyway. In the meantime, we both should be doing our Kegels like mad!:)

January 11, 2008

I had a 3rd degree tear as well and had a baby 21 months later and was fine. My midwife actually said that it was better I had the next baby sooner so that the tissue wasn’t so hard.

January 11, 2008

I had an emergency c-section with my 2nd child, and felt a sense of disappointment too, like I’d been cheated out of something by not giving birth naturally. In the end, I made my peace and I feel like the doctors did what they had to do. Listen to medical advice, but remember too that doctors all have differing opinions. Look at your first two notes. Two different docs, two different view points.

January 11, 2008

At least you have the option. You don’t have to get bullied into taking it, but if it’s something you’d be happier with then you know you have a choice! I understand that scar tissue is weaker, and the more it tears the weaker it gets. But at least your scar tissue isn’t in your uterus.. I don’t know if you want more than 2 kids, but if so, bear in mind that you’d be screwed for options then..having scar tissue in your uterus as well as your perineum. I don’t see why the birthing centre would be an immediate no – that’s very weird. Don’t take his word for it.. find out when you see the midwife :o) Sounds a bit like Doc is scissor-happy. If you’d like to know my honest opinion about having a caesarean (what it’s like, I mean), I don’t mind telling you. But I won’t go spewing unsolicited advice and opinions all over your diary notes ;o) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I want fish and chips. Desperately. xxxx

January 11, 2008

Either way, the end result is a new gorgeous baby! Take Care!

January 11, 2008

Chat it through with your midwife and who know what she may say 🙂 Sounds like everyone has had different opinions on it xxxxxxx

January 11, 2008

I had a third degree tear with Sam, it was never mentioned that I should even consider a c-sec with eva! Yes, i DID tear with her, but it wasn’t bad and was more due to the speed she came out ( and her hand sitting on her already fat head, lol). Def talk to the midwife and the ob about it, do your own research and trust your gut instinct. 🙂

January 11, 2008

yup, like your other noters i had a third degree tear with my first child. but no one even suggested that much with the second. when i was getting ready to have my second i looked in to the subject, and most of what i found did not necessarily warn against having a vaginal birth, but warned that repeatedly getting episiotimies could cause incontenance. when you skip the episiotomy, you could possibly tear not straight now “there” but in several different directions. also, i actually did have episiotomy with BOTH kids, and only ended up not tearing at all with the second. just like three stitches to take care of the episiotomy. i would get a second opinion, if i were you. i had to have vacum assistance with my first son but not with my second. everything was SO MUCH EASIER with my second. it was wonderful!

January 11, 2008

interesting. Just do what is best for the both of you! 🙂

January 11, 2008

Hopefully you will be able to have some other options, but whatever happens, as long as the baby cookie is healthy, that’s all that matters hon! *hugs*

January 12, 2008

That just seems horribly odd….. Congrats on the pregnancy though, i completely fell out of the loop for a good while.

January 12, 2008

Thanks for your note. I’m sure I wouldn’t want to return my baby but I think it’s hard to truly understand the bond you have with your baby until you experience it for yourself. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It must be disappointing that you may have to have a caesarean but the well being of you and your baby are what’s most important so I’m glad you’re listening to the doctors xx

January 12, 2008

Oh dear..this must mean I am doomed come the menopause…I had a terrible tear when I had Shannon….but still gave birth to Laura naturally, although only tore a little with her…but was never warned about the future effects of all this tearing..*clenches muscles quick in a vain attempt to strengthen them!!*

January 14, 2008

I thought the only reasons birthing centres don’t accept people is if they’ve had a previous C-section or a high-risk pregnancy, that’d be such a shame if they wouldn’t take you because of the tear. Maybe the midwife and hospital docs will say something different but, if they don’t, I’m sure they’ve got their reasons. A healthy baby is all that matters :o) Mmmm carbs. I hate my diet! xx

You’re pregnant!!!! Gah, I hate not having OD when my faves have news!!! Clare, congratualtions my dear. I couldnt be happier for you. Well done you!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx

January 14, 2008

Ugh, tearing – poor you. Go for the section if it means a better long term quality of life. Do chat to a second doctor and you midwife though. xxxx