Pissed off with work

Pardon my swearing. This is just a quick entry. I am totally fed up, f*cked off, p*ssed off with work. Thank GOD I only have 3 and a half weeks left. I am never, EVER working in all-female environment again. Why? There is CONSTANT (and I mean constant….)

1. Bitching

2. Backstabbing

3. Whispered gossip

You never know what people are saying about you behind your back.

And it’s not just that. My assistants that work with me – all three of them – are lazy, never on time, rude, never happy and like children that keep on pushing my boundaries to see what they can get away with. It makes me so angry and I’ve totally had enough. I realise that it’s sometimes difficult to have good working relationships with people. But at the school I work with, there’s a high proportion of NIGHTMARE staff. We need some men to stop the bitching as well……

And why are some of the people I work with so opinionated and rude? Random example: when I told people (excitedly) that we were planning to find out the sex of the baby, there were extreme reactions: ‘oh, why do you want to do that?’ (said sneeringly), ‘oh, you’re not are you?’ (said in disbelief).  People say things and speak to me in ways that I would never dream of doing to them.

Anyway, not long and then I am out of there. NEVER TO RETURN! I think perhaps I’m feeling less tolerant than normal due to hormones and tiredness.

On the upside…….baby is going crazy in my tummy and kicking me 24/7. I LOVE IT! It’s so reassuring. Not long til we meet the little man now…….

love happycookie and my super-active mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxx


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~random noter~ It’s none of thier business what you do w. your personal life..I have the same feelings about my job too…thank God you are leaving there…take care …

June 27, 2006

Hang in there 🙂

June 28, 2006

Bless :o) At least you’re nearly done – just wait it out! And yay for active cookie! always a good sign :o) xxx