Own room? I need advice….

Mums, I need advice.

William, who will be 9 weeks old on Saturday, has been sleeping in a Moses basket next to me since he came home from hospital. We have a nightlight on so I can see his little face at any time. He gets very grunty after his middle-of-the night feed and I usually end up putting him into bed with me as I just want to go back to sleep! Having said that, I don’t think it will be that long before he starts sleeping through the night (hopefully….)-he slept from 8 til 5am last night, and normally goes through to about 4am.

The problem is, he is on the verge of outgrowing his moses basket. He likes to sleep with his arms above his head and there just isn’t room for him to do that anymore! He looks cramped. I reckon he’s got another couple of weeks left in it-max. The problem is, his cotbed is in our spare room just down the hall-it can’t be moved into our room, it’s too enormous.

So do I move him into his cotbed already? I kind of planned on having him in our bedroom as long as possible. The thought of him alone in the spare room, in that huge cotbed, is weird. I won’t be able to see him. I’m a light sleeper so I WOULD hear him if he cries. I hope. Would it be good for him to get used to his cotbed? He hasn’t slept in it once yet. I could always get a baby monitor I suppose…..or maybe I could sleep in the room with him for a few weeks? Mike’s not keen on that idea, and neither am I really…the spare room bed is tiny compared to our king size one!!

I can’t really think of an alternative to moving him to the cotbed. We could put the travel cot in our room I suppose. Or co-sleep all night. Sorry, I’m rambling……I guess I’m just wondering what you mums out there have done……HELP ME!!!!!

lots of love happycookie and my growing-like-a-weed little man xxxxxx

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October 26, 2006

I actually moved my son to his own bed aqt this age. I just thought it would be easier now than if I waited. yeah the baby will cry for a minute but once they realize that that is where they will sleep and mommy will sleep elsewhere they stop crying. Good Luck!!!

October 26, 2006

It’s fine to put him in his crib at this age. I understand your desire to keep him with you in your room as long as possible, but it’s honestly better for everyone when you put him in his own room. He will begin a new routine and you and hubby can have your time again. You will definiately hear him when he makes a sound even from down the hall ..mom’s always do

October 26, 2006

Jake has been in his own bed & own room for a while now – he’s 12 weeks old. He does a similar shift to william – 8 til 6 usually – and goes down again like a dream after that feed. sometimes in bed with me for a couple of hours but usually in his own bed. I don’t think you’ll have a problem if you keep reassuring him – Jake’s tears didn’t last long…

October 26, 2006

he will be fine in the bed, hes aroudn the age alot of babies get switched. just so you know 8-4 is sleeping through the night at his age, most babies dont sleep thta long. maybe keep him up tll 10 so he sleeps till 6 for you…if thats when you go to bed…becuase most kids dont sleep more then 8 hours strit wihtout eating again at his age

October 26, 2006

.. & now he know that a)his cot + dark = sleep time and b) that mommy sleeps elsewhere but is nearby. As for crying, I went in whenever he cried but didn’t pick him up and left once he was quiet – now he doesn’t fuss going down, even if he’s quite awake. I love having him in for snuggles in the morning – it’s one of my favourite times of the day! I have a monitor as well, even though he’s right…

October 26, 2006

…next door, just for my own peace of mind. He’ll do fine, expect some crankiness but you’ll get throughi t quicker than you’d expect! xxx

October 26, 2006

Kathryn moved from our room to her own room at 8 weeks old and has done *mostly* fine with it ever since šŸ™‚ And I got a ton more sleep afterwards because she is also a loud sleeper (grunting and such)

October 26, 2006

Start putting the moses basket IN the cot to get him used to it.

October 26, 2006

StephyLynn gave you my exact advice. Put the basket in the cot until he grows out of it. The surroundings are very familiar, but the difference is there. Yes, I think that’s the right thing.

I mived my daughter into her own room at 2 months and she did fine. I used the monitors and it was hard at first because at every peep or grunt I was flying in there, but she’d still be sleeping. He will be fine. And like the above noter stated, it will be more time with you and your hubby…believe me, you’ll need it. And William will get used to this routine. It will pay off in the end.

October 26, 2006

Co sleeping is a GOOD thing.

October 26, 2006

You might want to try putting him in his cot for naps. Let him get used to it. You’ll be able to judge how he does in there that way. You will both have a chance to get used to the idea as well.

October 26, 2006

Well, being the lightest sleeper in the whole wide world, poor old Sam was in his own room the second night he was home! WE used to pop the moses basket right into his cot but, like William, he was an arms above the head sleeper and a roller and mover so went right into the cot at 5w. Granted, we have a cot, not a cotbed so a bit smaller. He had no probs at all with the transition. You’re right, you WOULD hear him if he needed you. Built in mother’s ears. It will be a transition for both of you but certainly isn’t too soon to move him if you’re ready. šŸ™‚

October 26, 2006

i would move the travel cot in with me for a few weeks longer. But it is all about how you feel. You know your baby and if you feel comfortable moving him, do it šŸ™‚ I would get some baby monitors though.

October 26, 2006

It was hard for me to move Krista into her own room but it turned out to be the best thing for all of us. I have a monitor that I love called the Angel Care Monitor. It sounds an alarm if they stop breathing & also has a regular monitor so you can hear if they cry. Not sure if they sell it in the UK but if you’re interested I can link you to a site where you could order it.

October 26, 2006

I used a portable crib (cot) that was a lot smaller than the crib but larger than his bassinet and moses basket. Our son slept in our room till he was around 11 mos. Do you know anyone that has a bassinet or cradle that is bigger or are you able to get what we call a pack n play for him? Also our bedroom was downstairs and his was upstairs thats another reason he stayed with us. Good Luck !!!

October 27, 2006

RYN: You’re like 2 or 3 cycles behind us *lol* No wait maybe only one cycle. I’m thinking Naima and not Nnena. Nevermind LOL

October 27, 2006

I was too light of a sleeper so Soren had to be moved into the other room at 3 weeks. I just used nap times to transition him from a bassinet. I would hold him till he was asleep then he would wake up there, after a week of it, it was fine and he would go to sleep there too.