Our kerazeeeeee night out…

Ok, I exaggerate slightly.

Mike and I had our romantic dinner out last night! And I didn’t phone home once *pats self on back*. Granted, we were only out for 2 hours. We went to the Blue River Cafe in Maidenhead, stuffed ourselves silly (the creme brulee I had for dessert was to die for), shared a bottle of wine and had a really lovely chat. I did miss William and it was weird not being within a stone’s throw of him…..not helped by the fact that he was crying and cranky when we left the house. Anywhoooo…when we came back he was fast asleep in bed; my mum and dad had bathed him and everything, bless them.

The daytime yesterday was NOT so good. My dad and I took William to the hospital for yet another blood test-to check his jaundice (which is GONE, by the way! Wooohoo! The test is just to double check) and his thryoid level. It was beyond hideous. He was fast asleep, all cosy and warm, when the nurse produced a big needle to take blood. She had to stick it into a tiny vein in his hand. I’m squeamish with needles at the best of times but the sight of this thing going into my son’s tiny hand was more than I can bear. In it went….queue unearthly screaming from William. I’ve never heard him cry like that before….it was so awful; my eyes filled with tears. The nurses couldn’t get any blood from that vein so they had to take it out and find another one! It just seemed to go on FOREVER. My dad later told me I went very, very pale. Of course, once the needle was out of his hand, we had a cuddle and he was right as rain! But I really hope that’s it on the blood-taking front. Having said that….he has his first set of immunisations next week. Please tell me they won’t take that long, or be so awful?

I’m having a chilled out day today. The weather is rainy and yuck and I’m all cosy here. I’m planning stuff. I need to start earning some money soon. I have a plan-I’m doing a childminding course in January (only 1 evening a week), and I should be able to start childminding in June-ish. I won’t be going back to teaching for a while yet…..not until after baby number 2 anyway!  My maternity pay stops in March though.  As we have zilch savings I need some money to tide me over. I’m going to start home tutoring a few hours a week but that’s not going to be quite enough. Other crazy money-making ideas I’ve thought of include:

Mystery shopping

Focus groups

Delivering leaflets/phone directories

Market research

Operating adult sex phoneline (ok, not really)

The alternative is to do supply teaching in local schools a few days a week, but that involves leaving William AND having to find good childcare….not keen to do either really. Ah well, it’ll all sort itself out I guess.

Arrrghh! My little dude is waking up. Laters! (note to self: stop talking in Wayne’s World slang)

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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October 25, 2006

LMAO Excellent! Love Wayne’s World slang. Yay for a romantic evening with yummy food, wine and a good chat 🙂

October 25, 2006

YAY about the jaundice being gone! I felt that way my hubby and I’s first night out too. Actually, my SIL took my daughter for the whole WEEKEND when she was 5 weeks old. I think I called her like, every few hours to make sure she was okay!

October 25, 2006

Glad you had a lovely meal out and well done you for not calling home to check!! Poor little mite, having all that blood work. I used to work in Pediatric hospital and had to stab tiny babies all the time, it was awful. But remember, it was only for that brief moment and you got the BEST news from it! No more jaundice! The vax appt will be fine, the needles are supertiny and are over anddone with so fast you won’t even have time to blink. 🙂

October 26, 2006

I still call home when I leave Jake – even for an hour to do shopping! When I work I call home three times – and that’s holding back! Yay for some couple time – sounds like a good night despite Mr W. G. C’s crankiness! The vaccs are ok – you’ll get a sob while they happen but a quick cuddle & he’ll be fine. You’ll probably take it worse than him! xxx