Nesting :-)

Yo Yo (not sure why I chose that particular mode of greeting, but never mind),

Am SO loving not working right now! I can’t emphasise this enough! It’s hard to imagine the novelty wearing off! I’ve made a big list of all the jobs that I’ve been meaning to do since LAST summer holiday and I’m working my way through them. It’s giving me a tremendous sense of satisfaction, which is very sad considering they are things like ‘find a decent mop that works’. But whatever floats your boat…..

This week so far, I have:

1. Attended 2 fabulous ante-natal classes, learnt loads! Last night’s was particularly brilliant – at the end the focus was on pain relief and ways your partner could help you through the pains of contractions. We had to follow these pictures of couples in various weird stances, e.g. woman on birthing ball, man stroking her back. Well- these pics were HILARIOUS!!! Mike and I nearly wet ourselves laughing! I can’t even begin to describe how idiotic they were, but it was soooooo funny!

2. Baked a Victoria Sponge!  I LOVE cooking and baking (it’s the Cancerian in me) and when working, just don’t have the time or energy to start making cakes. So yesterday was bliss – I stuck the radio on, put the fan in the kitchen and cooked my ass off. The result was so yummy and gorgeous-looking I even took a picture of it! *sorry – bragging over*!

3. Cleaned the house in my bikini. It was the only way to keep cool, and for some reason gave me a real buzz – is this nesting?!

4. Found a fantastic mop which SPRAYS AS YOU WIPE! Nuff said…..

5. Cleaned out my make-up bag! I’ve been using a mascara which was purchased in December 2004, so I figured it was time to do this….just gone and bought some stuff to replenish my collection! Hate spending lots of money on make-up so I bought some of the Miss Sporty range, all under £3 which I think might be aimed at adolescent schoolgirls…..ahhhhh well!

Also read my book and trashy mags, been on the internet loads and generally chilled to the max……like I said, it’s been lovely.

Discovered a few suspicious-looking marks on my hipbones (or rather, where my hipbones USED to be) which I think might be stretchmarks. ARGHHHH! They’re only little, but is this the beginning of the end?!

My dad’s coming over tomorrow to help construct the cotbed and put everything in place in the nursery. Everything’s just dumped in there at the moment. Very exciting!

My mum and dad’s dog, Billy, who has been the family dog since we got him in 1989, is having an operation today on a cancerous lump in his paw. He is so, so old – this year he’ll be 17. He’s had such a wonderful life, and is the happiest, craziest dog you can imagine, but my mum told me last night that he’s really suffering in this hot weather. Got a horrid feeling he hasn’t got that long left, and it may be silly but it makes me really sad. He’s been around since I was 10 and he’s like a member of the family! Anyway, fingers (and paws) crossed that he’ll make it through today ok……….

Right, I’m off to have a nice fat slice of cake. My little man is having a good wriggle in my tummy – does he ever sleep?! Not long til we meet him now…..

lots of love happycookie and mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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July 26, 2006

I was sad when my mam and dad’s dog died too. We’d had her since I was 11, and she died when I was 26. Such a wrench. Cleaning the house in your bikini? Good on you! I sat around in my bra and knickers for hours last night…I could barely move I was so hot!

July 26, 2006

You are def making the most of your summer before baby arrives. Lol, I am the same way with baking (right down to taking pics), must be the cancer trait for sure. Heh. Poor dog, hope the surgery went okay on his paw.

July 27, 2006

random noter…im 21 weeks pregnant and i stumbled upon your diary. I love it! I love the belly pics…

July 27, 2006

Hmmm now I want cake… You sound very happy :o) good good hehe Not long til you meet the little guy now! Eeeeek! hehe xxx