mummy worries

Thanks for the questions guys…will answer them in my next entry!

I’m sat here worrying. I do this-I’m pottering along happily and then bam, I’ll start worrying! What triggered this latest bout off was musing on how William’s STILL looking jaundiced… 6 and a half weeks old! His face is still quite yellow!


I know that it’s almost certainly nothing to worry about but oh yes, I still worry. Crazy thoughts about liver disease and brain damage (rare side effects of jaundice) are running through my mind. I’m trying to get him in the light as much as poss but it doesn’t seem to make any difference *sigh*.I’ve got my 6 week postnatal check up at the hospital tomorrow and I’ll see what they say.  We also have another blood test on Oct 23rd to check his jaundice levels…..

We had an almighty scare yesterday…..William fell off a chair (I have to write it so small because I still can’t believe it happened). He was comfy and fast asleep in a giant soft armchair……far away from the edge, or so I thought. I was making coffee in the kitchen and heard a sickening thud. I raced through to the lounge and he was lying face down on the mat. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that sound, or the sight of him on the mat… makes me feel ill just thinking about it.

He started crying, as did I, although I was much more hysterical. I couldn’t see any damage to his face, bar a tiny bruise on his left eyebrow, which was a slight relief. He actually stopped crying after about 30 seconds but I was racing around like a maniac, sobbing, trying to decide who to ring and what to do. I eventually called NHS Direct who were VERY helpful. They ran through a checklist of ‘warning signs’ of a serious head injury, none of which he had. For the rest of the day he was completely his normal self, and the mark on his eyebrow is so tiny you can barely see it! So I’m not worried-babies’s head are obviously quite resilient!-although I still can’t quite believe it happened….and I don’t understand how it happened. He must have rolled over-but I’ve NEVER seen him do that! Anyway-I’ve learnt my lesson and won’t be letting him sleep on the chairs/sofa again!

Had some friends over at the weekend, including my friend Sarah’s 9 month old baby, Joseph. Joseph is SO entertaining! He plays, he crawls, he laughs, he giggles, he dances….I can’t WAIT til William is that age; it’ll be so much fun!  Newborns are very, very cute but they don’t interact with toys etc much!

Mike’s managed to wangle working from home one day a week, which is FAB. He worked from home on Monday and we had such a lovely day. It’s so much easier having someone else around in the day to share the baby jobs with. We weighed William at the doc’s surgery, and he’s now 10lb 7oz!! Surely is the jaundice was a BIG problem, he wouldn’t be gaining so much weight and clearly thriving??

Rightio, I’ll be back soon to answer my Qs………….

lots of love happycookie and my little man William xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Aww. I reckon he’ll be ok you know about the jaundice, he sounds like he is thriving! And aww at his little bungee jumping off the sofa giving you a fright! Im glad he’s ok. I forgot to ask you a question! Arrgh! Ok….er… Have you any tips or guidance for wedding planning? What is the best present you could have wished for when you had Mr William? What would your ideal job be? Describe your perfect day. Thanks for your note btw, it meant a lot to me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

October 11, 2006

Being a mum is a constant worry. But over time, you worry less and enjoy more! I remember the first time Sam rolled off the chair onto the floor…it was the morning of his 16w jabs. Scared the crap outta me. Regardless of William’s jaundice, it sounds like he’s absolutely thriving! He’s gaining weight like a dream, sounds happy and healthy. Lucky you guys, with Mike getting to work fromhome one day a week. When we have baby 2, The Man will be working from home a lot more too. 🙂

October 11, 2006

Head wounds are NOT fun… Alexis hit her forehead on the corner of my desk when she was about 2 months old, I was burping her and she jerked and gave herself a little bruise. Scared the crap outta me! I know how ya feel hon, and it only gets worse. Once they start moving all the time, it’s bruising time. Nothing to worry about tho! Every kid does it

October 11, 2006

i think most of us have felt that horrible because of a baby rolling off the couch. but you do forget about it after a while till someone els wright a story like this. it happend to Ethan.

October 11, 2006

I can’t believe I fell off the face of your diary *lol* I remember when you found out you were pregnant with mini-cookie *lol* I swore this morning J was going to be the first one to have Kathryn fall off a piece of furniture. He left her sleeping on the couch (where they’d slept together since about 5AM because she was having some sort of separation anxiety) to go to the bathroom.I almost had a fit when I found out he did that. Glad William is okay!! Kathryn banged her head really hard on the wood floors in my house a few months ago. It was an awful feeling. (for both of us I assume! LOL)

October 11, 2006

poor baby 🙁 but dont feel bad hun, it happens, and he is a boy and will get hurt a million time by the time hes 3

October 11, 2006

I worry too….. its normal. I also leave Kaia sleeping on the couch, don’t think i’ll be doing that anymore! LOL

October 11, 2006

Awwww…he’s just getting you ready for thing to come! My 2 year old son is covered in bruises constantly from his misadventures. Poor little man. Good thing he was alright! RYN: I have to do Lupron injections (the easy ones) to suppress ovulation, and IM injections (big needle right in my hip) to help maintain the lining of my uterus to help the embryo implant when they do the transfer.

October 12, 2006

I’m forever propping Jacob up on the armchair so he can look around.. I guess it’s inevitable that he’ll tumble for me soon. I’m sure you’re doing a great job, I’m totally jealous that your little man is sleeping at night (unlike mine who is on his third hour of the current ‘catnap’ at 11am & had me up half the night..) & I’m sure the jaundice will sort itself out. Sorta hard to get him…

October 12, 2006

… out in the light when all it does is rain and be miserable in this damn country! And lastly, yay for having more time with Daddy! It makes a world of difference don’t you think? :o) xxx

October 12, 2006

im sure he will be ok. I hope that his 6 week check up goes well…i still cant believe its been 6 WEEKS! Im glad that william is ok after your scare yesterday 🙂

I remember the first time Abigail fell off the arm chair..I cried for 30 minutes..and she was smiling at me the whole i let her nap on the couch and i encircle her with pillows in case something far so good..his jaundice should clear up soon..abigail had hers for a while too..try and get an earlier appt for his bilirubin check..let us know how it goes! ~A&B

October 14, 2006

I know that sickening thud well…I’ve heard it a thousand times! Don’t forget, babies heads are designed to be bumped a wee bit, that’s why their skulls stay soft for so long! Just imagine if we were out in the wilds, he’d be rolling onto rocks, his head would be jerked against all sorts of things! At least he fell onto a soft rug. :o)