Long time……..

Heehee! Look, it’s me, in writing-on-OD shocker!!! I’ve been writing loads in my other blog – every other day in fact!! – but I thought I’d better catch up on here too!

So what’s been happening? Well, it’s been nearly 3 months, so quite a lot.

1) My mother in law died 3 weeks ago. Horrid, horrid time. It’s horrible hearing your husband crying with inconsolable grief. It was a shock – she’d had an op to get rid of a tumor in her lung, and seemed to be recovering well, and then died from a perforated bowel. Very slowly, over 3 painful days. No-one really knows how or why it happened. Mike’s doing ok but it’s still weird thinking we’ll never see her again.

2) I’m 25 weeks pregnant now, in what is the fastest pregnancy EVER, and found out 5 wks ago at my scan that I’m having a little GIRL!!! Well, that’s what they think anyway. I still can’t believe it and won’t actually believe it until I hold her and don’t see a willy………..

I’m BIG now. I feel absolutely enormous. Bending over the cot is hard and uncomfortable. William squashes my bump when he sits on my lap and it feels yuck. It’s hard to imagine getting much bigger………..*cringe*

3) After multiple tummy bugs, and hurting my back so badly I couldn’t sit/walk/lie-down without agony for a week, I’ve had no yuck pregnancy ailments for a while – fingers crossed that’s the last of it.

4) 5 weeks til we move! We’re bidding farewell to Maidenhead, and moving to the seaside – Whitstable, in Kent, which will be very close to my parents. I can’t wait. I’m fed up of Maidenhead and I really want to be near my mum & dad so I can get a bit of support with baby no.2. I’m so excited about our move! yay!

5) William is unbelievably cute at the moment. He’s such a happy chappy all day and his vocabulary is GINORMOUS! He can repeat pretty much any word we say *beams* and is starting to put sentences together (‘night, night mama!’). He has his feisty, stroppy moments, as any toddler does – but he’s a lot of fun to be around right now.

Well, that’s it I guess for now. There’s more, obviously, but I’m on a time-limit with William & Rebecca both about to wake up probably. I’ll try and write in here a bit more -promise.

love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxx


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May 21, 2008

hey, i just realized i have a blog on the same site you do too. I’m not sure what it is called though, i’ve had it for years, and i really like the site (i feel more honost on it too), but i don’t know anyone over there so i don’t write much. i’ll try and find you over there. i’m so sorry to hear about your MIL *hugs*

May 21, 2008

I’ve been reading your blog but it won’t let me note! Yay for moving, I know you’re so excited to get to the coast and closer to your family. A change will do you all good after the horrible time with your MIL. William’s a clever wee sausage…Sam still won’t talk. Not a thing. *sigh* *belly rubs*

May 21, 2008

🙂 Glad you stopped by!

May 21, 2008

I read your blog but I can’t note! So sorry about your MIL – I hope Mike’s OK. That’s so exciting that you’re getting your girl (I don’t blame you for not wanting to believe it though!) Here’s hoping those horrid pregnancy ailments don’t come back. xxx

May 21, 2008

Im so sorry to hear about Mikes mum 🙁 I hope the move goes well hun xxxxxx

May 21, 2008

So sorry to hear about Mike’s mum. Can’t even begin to understand what you guys must be going through. Lovely to see you updated though. More please. Congratulations on the little lady and on the move. Exciting time for you. xxxxx

May 25, 2008

good to see you again :)) can i read your blog?

June 3, 2008

ryn: Teacher’s go back the last week of July for all that wonderful beginning of the year fun and I go back the week before that for kinder screening!

June 19, 2008

When am I going to seeeeeeeeee yooooooooooou?!

How’s it going cookie? xxx

Hey cookie…I saw from my tracker you had looked on my page. How’s everything going with you hun? I miss you! xxx

November 19, 2008

Come on Cookie. We need to hear about the new house and the baby. She must be getting big now! xxx

November 6, 2009

come back to OD, we miss you!!