Loadsa pics

You can only look at these pics if you promise to go back an entry and leave me a lovely present under my tree! <<<————————————-

Smiley boy.

Mike thought he’d look funny in glasses. I’m not impressed.

Being superman with daddy.

Merry Christmas!

Cuddles with mummy. D’ya like my new haircut?

Tomorrow is our 2 year wedding anniversary. 2 years ago I married my soulmate in a candlelit ceremony in Canterbury. It was the most romantic day of my life.

lots and lots of love from a loved-up happycookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

ps don’t forget to leave me a pressie!  <<<<———————–

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December 17, 2006

What a gorgeous Santa Clause – Happy Anniversary for tomorrow!

December 17, 2006

Your wedding looks beautiful and I love the neckline of your dress. Happy anniversary for tomorrow :o) William’s Santa outfit is adorable!!!

Oh my word, these pictures were a feast for my romantic heart! You’re a cancerian too arent you? I worked at a wedding yesterday and I was just standing there getting all mushy wishing it was my day. Your wedding looked amazingly beautiful! I think there is something so romantic about a winter wedding. And little William! He’s a stunner and I wish you wouldnt post pics of him because my Ovaries are twanging far too much with broodiness! *jokes*. He looks a lot like Mike, but he has your eyes! Have a lovely anniversary petal. Much love xxxxxxxx

you have such a beautiful family!

December 17, 2006

I love your hair! You look so cute!! And of course lil man looks adorable 🙂

December 17, 2006

Super-baby is a fave game here too…much easier when babe’s is still smallish, like William. Sam’s so big now it’s a daddy game only. Heh. You have perfect ringletty hair! I’m so jealous…that’s what MINE is supposed to do. Instead, it frizzes.

December 17, 2006

Hope you have a lovely wedding anniversary, and I adore the picture of you and William cuddling!!! xxxx

you are so frickin ADORABLE! love the hair. and your little man is just perfect. congrats on the 2 year anniversary.

December 17, 2006

Happy anniversary!! William is so cute. I love the wedding pictures.

Aww what a cutie he is! And yes, I like your hair! 🙂

you look lovely…now and back on your wedding day. What lovely photos 🙂

what a gorgeous baby… i love the one with the glasses :))

December 18, 2006

Gorgeous baby :o) Just like his mommy. You look stunning in your wedding pics.. and I love your new hair (I sound like I’ve unleashed my inner lesbian don’t I?) Happy anniversary! xxx

December 18, 2006

hey thanx for the note and you’re very welcome. you have such a gorgeous baby. hope you had a lovely anniversary. x

December 18, 2006

Aw! He’s gotten to be such a big man! What a cutie!

December 18, 2006

Hey!! That is sooo cool that we share the same anniversary, same year and everything!! have a great anniversary!!! 🙂

December 19, 2006

nice wedding pics!

December 20, 2006

Your baby is sooooooooo cute! Can i have him?? please, i’ll give him back! lol

December 21, 2006

random noter: congratulations on year 2! adorable baby!

December 22, 2006

You have a beautiful family 🙂 Happy *belated* Wedding Anniversary!