Little bit of news


Ok, so it’s reeeeaaalllly early days. My period isn’t even officially due til tomorrow. I’m trying not to get too excited. Who knows what might happen? But……WHOPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

So in a nutshell…..we had a wonderful, wonderful time in Tunisia! I’ll have to write more about that next time, and show y’all some pics! I didn’t think about TTC at all……I drank wine…ate lots of lovely food…..and generally really relaaaaaaaaaxed, which was just what I needed!

When we got back my in-laws were here (ugh) and we spent Christmas here in sunny Maidenhead with them, which was fab actually. Lots of yummy food, copious amounts of Malibu for me-I’ll write more about that next entry, I promise. They went back to Plymouth this morning.

I honestly didn’t think we’d concieved this month. When I conceived William, I had sore boobs and cramps from day 26 onwards. The only symptoms I’ve had the last few days is a bit of dizziness and extreme tiredness-which I put down to too many late nights watching Christmas telly! But what convinced me to take a test today was a dream I had a couple of nights ago. The day before I found out I was pregnant with William, I had a really vivid dream that I was pregnant. I had the exact same dream a couple of nights ago-freaky, huh?!

Despite the dream, I was still expecting a negative, so I got one of those cheap and crappy Tescos tests for £4. Initially there was no line but after 3 or 4 minutes, the faintest of lines came up-and kept on getting stronger. I showed Mike, but he wasn’t convinced, so I got a Clearblue Digital from the chemist-I love them because they’re so clearcut, it’s ‘Pregnant’ or ‘Not Pregnant’ and that’s it!

After drinking gallons of tea and water to fill my bladder I did the test-but I messed it up and only managed a bit of a dribble on the stick. Yuk. Despite this, within a minute it came up with a nice fat ‘Pregnant’ – YAY!!!!! It’s still on the kitchen counter now (not quite sure why it’s there-prob not very hygenic?)-I keep on looking at it and squealing!

We’re so, so happy. That was cycle no.7, so it was about time. I’ve told my parents, and Mike’s parents, but that’s it for now. Those of you who are my friends on Facebook-please don’t post anything about it on my Facebook page! It’s such early days. And I keep on hearing things on Babycentre about chemical pregnancies where you get a false positive-what the hell is all that about?! I think I’ll be able to relax more as the days roll by and maybe I start to get more symptoms. A la last time, I’m terrified of miscarriage, but I’m just going to relax as much as I can. Ooooh and stop drinking. Wish I hadn’t drunk quite so much Malibu over Christmas. Ah well.

I’ll be back tomorrow to catch up with everyone. I have lots of noting to do!

Lots of love,

Pregnant Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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December 28, 2007

I KNEW IT WHEN I SAW THE TITLE!!!!!!!! *runs around like a madwoman* YAY COOKIE!!!! Exactly 2 years apart, huh? :o)

December 28, 2007

Right, now I’ve read the bit after the ticker :o) False positive? I don’t know.. I’ve heard of evap lines on cheapie tests giving a ‘false positive’.. I suppose sometimes the HCG levels might be high enough for a test to read positive but then an early miscarriage can happen? *shrug* I got SLOSHED on Christmas 2005.. and found out I was pregnant on New Year’s Eve. Ooops. Ah well, he turned out fine… :o)

December 28, 2007

Found you on random and I am soooooooooooooooooooo happy for you hunni!!!!!! 😀 My son is 6 months old now but I really want for there to be about 2 years between my children too 🙂 Take care of yourself chick!! much love, TM xox

December 28, 2007


December 28, 2007

Aww hunny im so happy for you. Sounds like a fabulous Christmas and now even better news to start 2008 too. Eeeee im so excited for you my love xxxxxxxx

December 28, 2007

thats WONDERFUL!! yay, congrats congrats congrats!

December 28, 2007

hurray! I’M SO EXCIET for you!!! 🙂

December 28, 2007

Oooo yay you!!! And i’ve heard of a false negative but not a false positive….so yay again!

Im so happy for you!!!!

I KNEW IT!! The second I saw the title I KNEW what it was going to be about! AHHH I’m so excited for you!!

December 28, 2007

YAY! This was first thing I thought when I saw your title! Vacation obviously did you the world of good. I am SO SO happy for you. 🙂

Ohhhhh, congrats! 🙂


December 29, 2007


December 31, 2007

Oh yay!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you! xxx

January 3, 2008


January 3, 2008

How did I miss this entry? Eeeeeee, I’m so pleased for you! Congratulations! xxxx

January 11, 2008

OMG!!! YAY! Okay, so I know this was a couple weeks ago, but I haven’t been on in a while, so it’s new to me! YAY! Congrats honey! Okay, now to catch up with the rest of the entries… 🙂