Is anything safe anymore? A rant.

I’m really getting annoyed with reading or hearing about all the things I should or should not be doing, both for me and William.

For example.

1. Friends at the weekend told me about this TV prog they’d watched which was about the fruit and veg we buy in the supermarket. Apparently today’s fruit & veg has about half or less the nutritional content it used to, and can sit around in cupboards for up to a year before it makes its way onto the shelf to be bought (can that really be true?!)

Plus, apparently it is covered in pesticides which causes cancer. Organic fruit & veg is the best.

This is all new information to me. I’ve always been so proud of the fact that I make nearly all of William’s food from scratch and painstakingly puree and freeze it. Now I wonder why I’m bothering if it’s all covered in cancer- causing pesticides. I’d love to get all organic food but it’s very very expensive.

2. I read in a fellow OD diarists about the dangers of artificial sweetener. Now I don’t drink diet coke but I love sweet tea and coffee, and have used sweeteners since I was 9. I always though artificial sweetener was preferable to heaping 3 teeth-rotting sugars into my tea. Apparently not as artifical sweetener can cause brain cancer and all sorts of other evils.

3. Read this morning on a parenting website I frequent that warming milk or food in a microwave can damage your baby and might cause them cancer in later life. I never warm William’s milk but I always pop his food in the microwave for 20 seconds.

4. Apparently there is a link between TV watching under 1 year old and autism. William watches a Baby Einstein DVD 3/4 times a week.

5. Apparently there is a link between disposable nappies and a low sperm count.

Blah blah blah. You musn’t do this, you musn’t do that. To be honest, it’s really pissing me off. I’m trying my hardest to be the best mum I can and all of this just makes me feel like it’s not enough. Sure, I could change to cloth nappies (which I’ve been thinking of doing anyway), throw out the Baby Einstein DVD, stop warming the food in the microwave. But then there’ll be more studies and more new information on practically a daily basis. The cycle will never end. Do I listen to it all? Are the risks so small it’s not worth paying attention?! It makes me feel so guilty, like I’ve already done terrible damage to William by feeding him non-organic food or warming his food in the microwave.

And as for the artificial sweeteners….well, I’m less bothered about that. I don’t do lots of the things I’m ‘supposed’ to do, like eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day or stick to 18 alcohol units a week. I can make those choices myself but William is completely dependent on me. I can’t bear the thought that anything I do might cause him health problems in later life.

Oh, I’m pissed off. On such a lovely sunny day too!

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May 2, 2007

Hunny please dont read too much. Honestly, if we believed everything they said we would never eat or drink anything or go anywhere. We’d have to live in a little box. Its ridiculous. A few years ago they said that eating choc was sooo unhealthy and now theyre saying you should eat it as its good for the heart. They then said red wine was dangerous for whatever reason, 6 months later they said we should drink a glass a day to help with circulation and heart stuff. Its all a complete contradiction. Willian is YOUR child, you do what YOU think is best for him. Sure, look around for advice etc but dont rely too much on it otherwise youll go mad. I do my best for M & J and although I listen to advice from my family and my health visitor, I do things my way. My boys also watch those Baby Einstein DVDs occasionaly and they listen to music too, they admittedly have jar food as they refuse to eat the fresh stuff I make. Every family is different and just cos we dont do exactly what the so-called experts say doesnt make us bad parents. Trust in yourself to be doing the right thing by your son and aslong as youre happy with your decisions then thats enough 🙂 Lots of love xxxxxxx

May 2, 2007
May 2, 2007

Links. Positive correlations. Theories. Once upon a time, it was fact that the world was flat. Yes, fruit and veg can be far older than we’re led to believe because of presevatives and such. If they didn’t out pesticides on fruit, we’d have none because bugs would eat it all. Believe me, the fresh stuff you make him is far better than the crap they throw in jars, pesticides included. The Diet Coke thing? That theory has been kicking around for ages… I don’t know what truth there is in it. But do you have a mobile phone Cookie? Do you ever go to a pub or smoke a cigarette? Apparently, you’ll die of brain and lung cancer anyway, so why worry about a can of Coke? TV & autism? Bullsh*t. Anything that has autism as a ‘link’ is crap and pure speculation. Microwaves? Please. Give me a break. Don’t read into it all. There’s this new, natural ‘healthy’ way of life we’re all meant to buy into now, and quite frankly, it’s expensive. It irritates me when people throw studies and new ‘links’ for things – they’re all theories to make you think about changing your perspective. Screw them all. Friends, family and anyone that wants to throw scare tactics on you. Tell them to ge

May 2, 2007

Life’s too short to constantly worry about things like that. We’re all going to die at the end of it anyway!

I’ve heard the one about TV and autism–and I’ve heard people who say it’s true, and people who say it’s false. If you look hard enough, you could find experts that completely disagree with everything you just listed. Don’t freak out–you are a great mom, and William is going to grow up happy and healthy. *Hugs*

cookie dont listen to that crap. people still think we live in this perfect world and we should live one idealistic way, but its all BS. a microwave? autism from TV? to hell with all that. you are a good momma, and ive been warming abigails food since she started eating it and shes ok. shes liked tv since she was 9 months old. she doesnt have autism. you keep doing what you’re doing. **hugs**

May 2, 2007

short of shooting baby William up with cocaine so he can burn off some energy – use your best judgment, little momma. making his food is a huge benefit to his health. I don’t personally use artificial sweeteners because they give me a headache, but again, read what you can and make the best choice for you. Not for some scientist in a lab with a point to prove. same goes for diapering… make the choice that’s best for you and your family and you won’t go wrong. at the end of the day, be good to your soul. you have his best interests in mind always, that counts for much more than anything you’ll ever read. spend your time reading more dr. seuss. 😉

May 2, 2007

*shankes head* It’s all a load of alarmist rubbish for th emost part. There are always going to be new studies and new throeis that prove/disprove something and will automatically try and brand us as making a ‘bad decision’. You can’t win. So my thought? Use your very sensible judgement and don’t worry about it. You’re a smart cookie! 🙂

artificial sweetners just don’t add up to real sugar. there are so many reasons to avoid them (i’d never heard the brain cancer one) but real sugar (in moderation) won’t kill you. even so… you can’t possibly live your life according to the myriad of “advice” out there. you just have to do your best and enjoy it, because no matter what you eat or how you live, the end result is the same. 🙂

May 2, 2007

I think its all bull. Yea i can see that organic food is best but people have been eating it non organic for hundreds of years. If you are worried about the sweeteners, try Splenda. The “experts” will always find something wrong with everything. Microwaves are fine or we would all be sick, our food is heated there. i wouldnt worry about baby einstien. good luck! youre a good mommy!

*Random noter* Just wash your veggies and fruit thoroughly and you’ll be okay :). And kudos to you for making things from scratch, lol, I’m still learning the basics of mastering the cooking monster lol 🙂 Take care

May 2, 2007

Well, if watching baby einstein causes autism, we’re screwed. That’s the only way I get anything done around the house.

May 2, 2007

I read that most of the pesticides in fruit/veg stay in the skin so if you peel it, it’s OK. Honestly though, I think you can only do what you think is best. The standard advice changes all the time and a lot of the studies don’t hold much weight…they’re either done on a tiny group of kids or they don’t take other factors into account. I go by what seems to make sense to me. *hugs*

you can’t listen to everything they say. Half the time they blow things way out of preportion. I mean if they started say that you had a 1:1000 chance of getting hit by a car each time you go outside you wouldn’t lock yourself indoors, even if you did there is still the 1:1,000,000 chance your house will get struck by lighting and burn down. I mean there are risks involved with every part of living, and I mean as long as your not allowing the biggies around William(like smoking)eating nonorganic food, or watching alittle tv is not going to kill him. Its good to read this kind of stuff but take it with a grain of salt. I mean I try and feed my son more organic food vs non-organic and I actually make his soymilk at home with organic beans. But if he eats something that is not organic or drinks non-organic soy-milk from the store I’m not goign to have a panic attack. You just do what you can and thats all our children can ask of us.

May 3, 2007

ryn: No big plans. Might go to California with my parents and I’m suppose to go to Disneyland with Josh and his neice and nephew, but not sure when either trip will happen.

May 4, 2007

Its all total bollocks! I’ve been trying to buy only UK produced food lately but only because I’m trying to be more environmentally friendly, not because of any pesticide nonsense. As for cancer and autism, EVERYTHING seems to cause one or the other these days. We are currently raising the most unhealthy generation with the highest obesity and intolerance levels WITH the help of all these studies, so why are our parents and grandparents so much healthier than us WITHOUT them! Don’t ever let them make you feel like a bad mother! xxxxxxx