Inspection & Feeling the Fear

I had my OFSTED inspection today! OFSTED are the dudes who come and check out my house and interview me to make sure I’m suitable to be a childminder. It went really really well and I’ve been given the go-ahead!  Just need to tidy up the garden a bit-it’s not kiddie safe yet.  I reckon I’ll be childminding by July-this 12 week wait thing is just nonsense! I’m very very excited-can’t wait to get started, get earning and start using my brain again!

William has 3 teeth coming through all at once in his top gum! He keeps on pulling his ear, especially when he’s eating. Poor Sausage.

I’m still so broody, it’s ridiculous. I wish it would just go away.

We’re going to a wedding on 1st June and I’m a bridesmaid. I don’t want to upset William’s bedtime routine (I plan on partying the night away, Cookie styleeee!)so we’re giving him to my inlaws down in Plymouth. They’re going to pick him up on the morning of the wedding and we’ll pick him up the next day. On Sunday I had a major freakout about this, imagining him crying solidly for the whole time we’re gone (silly, I know). It will be the first time someone else apart from me and Mike has put him to bed not in his own house. *sigh* I’m sure he’ll be fine-he’s nearly 9 months old, for chrissakes- but it’s another scary ‘first’.

I just need to feel the fear and do it anyway. That is my favourite motto.

I’m doing the Special K diet. A bowl of cereal for breakfast, one for lunch, sensible snacks, sensible dinner. So far it’s working ok but I am only on day 2!

Right I can’t be arsed to write anymore. I have Heat magazine and ‘Shopaholic and Baby’ to read. Trashy reading ahoy! Love to all my faves!


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Its going to be fine *HUGS*

May 15, 2007 OFSTED visit at school is bad enough, but to have them at home must be terrifying!!! Such good news to hear you are cleared for work…must be a load off your mind!! Congratulations too!!!!

May 15, 2007

Woooohoo party up!! Good luck with the diet 🙂 I must be weird because it’s never bothered me to leave Kathryn overnight LOL

RYN: Elbow pasta describes the shape–b/they look like little elbows. Basically a curved, half-circle tube. Does that make sense? I’ve always wanted to try the Special K diet, but eating a bowl of cereal is a little hard at work. It’s much easier to bring a sandwich or something. William will be fine being away overnight–you’ll prob be surprised how well he does. 🙂

aww its going to be fine girl! william will be A-OK and it will do him some good to be around other people at night time…you dont want him getting to the point where he will ONLY go to bed for you and mike. congrats on the go ahead for childminding! 🙂

May 15, 2007

Whoot for OFSTED inspection being DONE! I KNew you’d pass. Well done. 🙂 LOL, you know, Sam’s almost TWO and I’ve never spent the night away from him. Must…cut…cord! 😉

May 15, 2007

Yay for passing Ofsted!!!! William’ll be fine overnight, I’m sure. Just think how much fun you’ll have! Good luck with the diet. Never tried that one but it’s supposed to work well isn’t it?

May 15, 2007

I lovelovelove that book ‘Shopaholic and Baby’ I read it a few months ago. Its fabulous 🙂 I love all those trashy kinda books. I just finished one by Meg Cabot called ‘Boy meets girl’ it was FABULOUS. I started it earlier and its already finished! I highly recommend it. YAY for your childminding OFSTED going well. Im so proud of you hun and im really glad it all went okay. William will be just fine while youre at the wedding so please dont worry. Lots of love xxxxxxxx

May 15, 2007

we had to leave genna with my mom for a night and i was freaking out…but try to have fun cause its a free night. It will all turn out well. Im so glad your inspection went well.

May 15, 2007

I just love the way you phrase things…you remind me of my favorite female British author, Jane Green.

May 16, 2007

Congrats on the ofsted inspection! Great news, knew that 12 week thing was rubbish! I’m sure William will have a whale of a time being fawned over by the grandparents. Enjoy Heat etc!

May 16, 2007

I found you at random and just wanted to say I *love* the Shopaholic books! Only they seem to give me the urge to shop more…

May 20, 2007

Just wanted you to know I stopped by… 🙂