I’m too sensitive. Warning: this is silly

This is a very silly entry and I am being too sensitive. Just thought I’d warn you.

I think I have a very independent baby. Which is great, but occasionally I feel a tiny bit (whispers cos it’s silly)………..rejected.

Just now I fed him, then he had bad wind, so I got most of it up through all my usuual methods but he was still crotchety and crying….I put him in his vibrating chair and he is instantly calmed and falls asleep!! Which is great, of course, but why could the chair soothe him and I couldn’t?! Ok, I know I sound like a petulant child. But over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed he rarely wants to just lie in my arms calmly. He wriggles and kicks and grizzles until I either take him for a walk around the house (still in my arms), put him in the sling and carry him around, or put him on his rug, playmat or bouncy chair. It’s like he needs constant stimulation and my face is not enough.

Sometimes he falls asleep on me after a feed, which is lovely. But I’ve realised William is NOT a clingy baby. He likes cuddles (I think….how exactly can you tell at this stage?!) but he loves time by himself, kicking away on his back on his playmat or just sitting in his chair and looking around. I expect people are wondering why on earth I’m complaining-this is a good thing, I know! I guess I’m just feeling like I want something back.  I want to know that he loves me (I realise I’m sounding rather pathetic now). At least women with clingy babies-annoying though I bet they can be- know that their baby needs them. Anyway…..he’s beginning to smile & coo and it’s clear that he recognises me and knows my voice, which is good I guess.

As the title says, I’m too sensitive. After my bright and happy entry yesterday, I developed a killer headache and felt horribly tired and lacking in energy all afternoon. I was in bed by 9pm! I guess all the broken nights caught up with me….was bound to happen sooner or later.

Right! Am going to pull myself together and eat something yummy. Sooner or later I’m going to have to weigh myself and find out how much weight I have to lose, although I REALLY can’t be bothered with dieting at the moment….am having too much fun stuffing myself with Oreos instead!

lots of love, a very sensitive and silly happycookie and my self sufficient little man! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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October 18, 2006

LOL, Sam was the same way. Although he LOVED cuddles (get them while you can, babies do outgrow the cuddliness, I miss it now!), Sam was also really happy to sit in his swing and would coo and talk to the mechanism, the lampshades and the floorlamp. Me, not a tken glance. 😉

October 18, 2006

Mmm oreos… I wish Jake was more like William! he’s not exactly clingy but he wants company all the time, he wants to be in earshot of me, and preferably with me in sight! I do love that only I can calm him at night and that he seeks me out in a room but I do long for when he plays more independently! Don’t take it personally.. he’s learning to grow is all! xxx

October 18, 2006

Joshua is like that. Matthew hates his bouncy/vibrating chair but Joshua cant get enough of it! Strange really xxxxxxx

October 18, 2006

I feel the same way right now *lol* Kathryn wants Grandma and Grandpa more than me. Shoot she wants their DOG more than me at times!!

October 18, 2006

My Bean is just a little older than your little cookie, and just wait a few weeks and you’ll get something back – promise. My little guy was exactly the same way (except he was colicky), but now that he’s 14 weeks…my gosh he smiles and coos and just loves to talk and sing. Of course he still loves his independent time in the gym and bouncy chair, but at least he’s now engaging. It’s coming for you too.

October 18, 2006

Honey, it gets worse as they get older, when they want to do EVERYTHING by themselves, but by that time, it’s like “Yay! 5 minutes to myself, I can do this and this and this or just relax!” You don’t feel AS rejected then, just a little.

October 18, 2006

hes just at the age where he wants to learn, that means hes smart and trust me its way worse when they wont let yo even pee by yourself