ill baby.

William is ill AGAIN! He has another cold. His eyes are red and watery, he’s all snotty and sneezy. Looooooooovely. But in between bouts of fierce crying he’s actually quite smiley. So it’s ok.

Speaking of smiles-he’s actually started smiling and cooing at me now, instead of just randomly at anything. It makes my heart melt-I love it.

He’ll be 3 months old on Sunday. Yikes! Where has the time gone?!

I found this on a developmental website. I don’t think it’s entirely accurate but there aren’t many of these around.

Child’s Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)

1 month
• Lifts head
• Responds to sound
• Stares at faces
• Follows objects
• Ooohs and ahhs
• Can see black-and-white patterns
• Smiles
• Laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle

2 months
• Vocalizes sounds — gurgling and cooing
• Follows objects
• Holds head up for short periods
• Smiles, laughs
• Holds head at 45-degree angle
• Movements become smoother
• Holds head steady
• Bears weight on legs
• May lift head and shoulder (mini-pushup)

3 months
• Laughs
• Holds head steady
• Recognizes your face and scent
• Squeals, gurgles, coos
• Recognizes your voice
• Does mini-pushups
• Turns toward loud sounds
• Can bring hands together and may bat at toys
• Can roll over

William is doing all the things for 3 months except he doesn’t really laugh. And he’s only rolled over once-all attempts at a repeat performance have failed! He also says ‘ooh’ and ‘aaah’ a lot as well.  


* Mike’s been getting home late this week. He sees William for about half an hour, and usually William is screaming blue murder or is extremely crotchety because it’s near bedtime. It makes me really sad that he’s barely seeing his son-especially as we’re having such busy weekends as well at the mo. But this is what it’s like for dads I guess.  

* Met up with the girls from my NCT antental group on Tuesday. It’s so funny to compare all of our babies. The only baby girl of the group is tiny. And man, can she scream! Her mum, Angela, is a real Earth Mother-she co-sleeps, she uses cloth nappies, and she’s exclusively breastfeeding. I was impressed! I’d never seen a cloth nappy before-it looked really soft and comfy. Maybe I should try them for baby number 2???

* Tutored the kid yesterday for an hour and really enjoyed it. It was great to use my brain again. I really miss teaching-it gives you such a buzz.

* William’s sleeping well from 8pm til 4/5am every night. He’s now in his travel cot next to my bed. I don’t know how to get him to go through til 6 or 7am but I’m not too bothered at the mo-I’d have to get up in the night to express anyway. The good news is that he now settles back to sleep very quickly after feeding.

We’re doing the big move into the big, bad cotbed next week.

I’m scared!

back in a bit people-this is turning into the day from hell-William won’t stop crying! AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

lots of love fron happycookie and William xxxxxxxx

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November 23, 2006

It all sounds normal little friend! Don’t be afraid of the big, bad cotbed – it’s your buddy. Honest promise.

November 23, 2006

When did William start doing the mini push-up things? I’m still waiting for Angelo to do those but he hardly does anything during tummy time…just grizzles until I pick him up! I think it’s horrible that my fiance hardly ever sees Angelo too. Makes me even more determined not to work full-time myself for as long as possible. Good luck with the cotbed move. We’re doing it on Sunday and I’m

November 23, 2006

nervous too! Hope William feels better soon :o)

November 23, 2006

Awww poor sick baby!!

November 23, 2006

Poor sick William! Hopefully he starts to feel better soon!

November 23, 2006

poor little guy. We have some cloth diapers, they look like they will work really well but i think im gonna use throw away. The downside of the cloth is having to scoop the poop out before you wash them….yuck. Have a good day!

November 23, 2006

RYN: Yeah I’m still exclusively BFing. In theory, I’m planning to do it until he’s 6 months but we’ll see how it goes (babies never work to plans do they?!) To be honest, I’m a bit scared about the whole weaning thing – how much to give him, how to make sure he’s getting enough of everything he needs…argh!!!

November 24, 2006

Ah the big move is much easier than you think. Maybe a few cries at bedtime initially but you’ll much prefer it in the end! As for cloth, I love using them.. inquiring minds is right, you have to get the poo out before you soak them but I use liners so even that is easy. It’s a bit of extra work, but I prefer them.. but then, everyone likes different things. Hope little guy feels better soon xxx