I need to chill.

I definitely obsess about stuff more since gaving William. In the olden days (pre-baby) I’m sure I was more laidback. Ridiculous thoughts currently running through my head include:

Is William stimulated enough? Does he need more toys? What can we DO together apart from playing and singing? Need to make sure he isn’t bored….Oh God he looks bored. I’m putting him in his bouncer AGAIN-have I cuddled him enough today? Maybe I should carry him around with me everywhere so he doesn’t feel abandoned….but how the hell would I get anything DONE?! And surely independence is a good thing….Why is he sleeping so much today? Is he sick?


Yesterday I didn’t leave the house all day due to crappy rainy weather and I drove myself mad with these thoughts. I’m a very sociable person and if I don’t interact with people daily I start to go slightly mad. I’m also trying to be The Best Mum in the World (TM), trying to provide constant entertainment for William (it’s the teacher in me) and let’s face it, 3 month old babies really just need food, sleep and cuddles and they’re happy.

Anyway- I am going out today! I will be a hermit no more. And I’ve got a couple of friends from my antenatal class coming over this afternoon. Also- and this is scary-I’ve got a kid and his mum coming over to talk about private tuition for the kid at 5.30pm. I used to do tutoring in London-it’s good money, and easy. I’m just nervous about having a formal meeting with an unpredicatable baby in the room. If William starts crying while we’re talking serious stuff it will be majorly embarassing., and wreck the meeting.This is definitely out of my comfort zone, but I’m feeling bold!

On a darker note, it looks like an offer is going to be put on the house so we’ll have to move-soon. I AM PISSED OFF. I love this place. We’ve only been here 8 months. Moving is expensive and we’re running out of money. It’s also an enormous hassle. *grumble grumble*

Better shoot, I’m very hungry and considering eating my own fist, like my little man tries to. Rubbish night’s sleep last night due to grunting baby so I also need a caffeine fix.

Toodlepip! Lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxx

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I think thats probably normal! The thoughts get less intense the older they get but they haven’t stopped for me yet! Good luck with the meeting! X

haha, hunny I’m still that way and Abigail is 9 months. Who cares if William cries? He is a 3 month old child, I wouldn’t be embarassed about it, babies cry, everyone can get over it. Wanna go grab a french vanilla cappucino..:-) I need a caffeine fix too *yawns*

November 15, 2006

I’m constantly doing the same sorts of questioning – and mine are 3 & 5! To sign them up for sports, or not? I want to encourage but not push, right? What about ballet? Or piano? Or gymnastics? I should expose them but not overwhelm them! Nope, it doesn’t get easier. 😉 Toodlepip – I love it.

November 15, 2006

I think all of us feel that way about our kiddos LOL Last night I was lying on my couch and I kept thinking “I should get up and play with her!” But she was perfectly fine bringing me her toys and books and piling them on me. After awhile we played dolls together but really I don’t think it meant any more to her than piling her toys on me did LOL

November 15, 2006

Social interaction is always a good thing…for us mums!! 😉 Hope you have a good meeting, don’t worry if William fusses or cries. He’s a baby, that’s what they do, surely the parents will undertsand since they’ve had babies as well. 🙂

November 15, 2006

I have exactly the same thoughts, you’re so not alone!!! Hope the meeting with the parent went well. I’m thinking about doing the same thing (although I’m not qualified since I only did a term of PGCE) but not sure what I’d do with Angelo. What are you going to do with William? Moving’s a nightmare, hope you find somewhere good.

RYN: I highly reccomend them ALL. Even the ones they say are not age appropriate have been a wonderful thing in this house! They make them starting around 1 month on some of them..then there are differant ones for differant age groups. At first the music ones are the best (those start at 1 month) and it just grows widening their learning variety. De likes all of them..he has most of them now eventhe ones for above 1 year 🙂

and LOL @ this entry..it started with me at his birth and continues today 8 months and several weerks later!