I need sleep. And pics of William!

Hey people,

Really feel like a zombie today!! Lack of sleep is seriously taking its toll. I’m managing to get about 4-5 hours a night but it’s always very interrupted and I’m not doing very well at sleeping in the day….I seriously need some ….

Anyway-I promised some pics, and here they are!

Having a cuddle with mummy….

Grouchy in his bouncer (is it just me, or does he look like Winston Churchill?)

Sitting with mummy at the dining table.

Chilling out in my pram.

Isn’t he gorgeous?!

Be back tomorrow to write an entry-gotta go feed the little man now!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxx

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September 17, 2006

He’s soooo cute!

September 17, 2006

He’s adorable! I love to see pics!

September 17, 2006


He is just so awesome, honey! His sleeping should even out soon, I hope! Maybe he’ll be like De and start sleeping through the night..well what I call night anyways..I’ve learned to adjust to going to bed late and getting up late..my boy is a night owl. He gets up at 11. He’ll go down at around 9:30-10 and sleep for awhile then get up again about 12:30 for an hour then he sleeps til 11. isnt that crazy? But, man the beginning is hard..*HUGS*

September 17, 2006

he is so cute!! you need to inlist in a babysitter for like 6 hours and just sleep!

September 17, 2006

Awwwwww…you both look fantastic!! He is adorable!!

September 17, 2006

Oh he’s so damn cute! he looks so small… My little one’s sleep pattern is all over the place, it’s driving me mad. But you look great! I can’t pull that off without my zzzz’s!! xxx

My ovaries are twanging as we speak!

September 17, 2006

Im sorry to hear you are so tired. You will get used to it and he will start sleeping more as he gets a little older. He is SO CUTE!! Thanks for showing us pictures.

September 17, 2006

He is MORE than gorgeous and doesn’t look at all like Churchill!! Yeah, I was never good at sleeping during the day either…you just muddle through. It will get better. I think, for a good few months, I ended up going to bed at about 9pm. 🙂

September 18, 2006

You sound really happy in this entry, not that I’ve been reading long. My MIL used to come on Friday afternoons for 4 hours even when Amy was as young as William is now. Sometimes I would lay in bed and sleep for 4 hours with the excpetion of her bringing Amy to me to be fed. Sometimes I went out for a haircut, sometimes I just wanted some company, sometimes she’d make dinner or go shopping. Those 4 hours a week were my saving grace in those early months. Is there anyone who could do something similar for you once a week? I cannot tell you how I would look forward to that time and cherish it! And it was great bonding for she and I and she and Amy as well. ryn: Saturday was good, I ended up having a nap in the afternoon. 😉 oh, if you’re into movies movies and haven’t seen Shopgirl, I’d highly recommend it.

September 18, 2006