I love my little man :-)

Warning: big fat soppiness coming up!

I LOVE my little man so fiercely. Last night after his 2am feed he was grumbling in his Moses basket so I put him next to me in bed. He stopped grizzling right away and turned his little body round to face me. We just looked at each other, our noses practically touching….I felt such a huge rush of mummy love, I could have stayed like that for ever……we have such an amazing bond. We drifted off to sleep-it was so wonderful to hear his little breaths and watch as his eyes slowly shut. 4 hours later we woke up in exactly the same position-it was wonderful. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!!

Ok, end of soppiness. For now. Here’s what’s been happening…..

*Sleeping-our bedtime routine for William is working like a dream. Every night at 8pm or thereabouts it’s the same: dim lights, bath, into sleepsuit, then into sleeping bag, milk and into the moses basket, with the same CD playing soothing music. He doesn’t even grizzle now-even if he’s awake he’ll just lie there calmly until he goes to sleep. It’s great!

Still haven’t cracked settling him after his night feed though. He grizzles and grizzles and the only way to stop it is to put him into my bed! Co-sleeping seems to be something that’s frowned upon, but I’m not sure why……??? I worry that he’s getting too used to being put into bed with mummy now…hmmmm. Any tips, mummies?!

*Daytime playing/naps: he still doesn’t sleep much in the day. It’s a real challenge to try and keep him entertained and stimulated. He stays awake until he gets really overtired and cranky!

I’m actually really, really enjoying being a stay at home mum. I cooked Mike a chicken casserole last night and felt like a proper housewife! I do miss teaching but I’ll go back to it someday. The idea of going back to work and leaving my little man is HIDEOUS at the moment. Perhaps that will change….I don’t know. I have no plans to go back to teaching for a good few years, although I will have to start childminding next year to get some money coming in. I start my course in January. But it’s fascinating watching William grow and develop. He’s started doing little smiles this week, and cooing. I get so excited about these little things! I would hate for someone else to be witnessing my boy’s ‘firsts’.

*Feeding-I’m still expressing like a lunatic-I have a hospital grade pump now!- and doing 1 formula feed at night and it’s still working really well! Weighed the little fatty yesterday and he’s now 11 pounds 4 ounces!!! I think there must be double cream in my milk!!!

I’m having great fun dressing him up in little dungarees, preppy tank tops and jeans now-who says you can’t have fun dressing up a boy?!

Yikes! He’s waking up. Here’s a couple of new pics……he looks good enough to eat.

Later, folks!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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October 17, 2006

Aw…he’s just too cute!

October 17, 2006

Aw hes so cute! What a little fatty!

October 17, 2006

You sound wonderful, you truly do! I’m very pleased it’s going well for you now after a bumpy little start. Be well.

October 17, 2006

What a little sweetie! You sound like you’re doing GREAT! I’m so pleased. 🙂

too sweet

October 17, 2006

cute pics, glad that everything is going well.

October 17, 2006

hes so cute! im glad all is going well!