I Like Big Butts *edit*

* My title is in no way related to my entry.

* Lovely day today. The sun was shining and the birds were twittering!

* Spring has sprung! For now at least. J’adore summer. Picnics in the park, beer gardens, strappy tops, sunbathing……mmmmm.

* I’ve had a busy day-gym this morning and met Deirdre and Julia for coffee this afternoon!

* A new lady works in the gym creche and the lady that William was used to has mysteriously disappeared. William does not like the new lady. He started crying the minute I handed him over. He settled a little before I left so I thought it was ok to go & have a swim. However I think he spent most of his hour in the creche crying.  His lashes were all wet when I collected him & I felt soooooo guilty. He was smiling and laughing for the rest of the day so he clearly isn’t too traumatised by his experience. But-ugh. I haven’t booked another session at the creche yet. I might just go at the weekend and Mike can look after William.

* It’s hard to get the balance between doing what I know is good for him (and me) and not upsetting him. And me.

* I love my friend Deirdre. I see her at least twice a week-she’s fun, kind, a good listener and with only 5 days between our babies, we have a lot to talk about. However, she is a teeny bit competitive and today she fell into the classic mum trap: anything your baby can do, mine can do better.

She spent our entire journey to meet Julia for coffee bragging about James (her baby). I try so hard not to brag about William (apart from here in my Diary of course-that’s allowed!) as I know it’s really annoying so I just found her gushing irritating. I told a story about William laughing at my singing today; she immediately launched into a story about James laughing hysterically yesterday. The whole feeling was: anything William can do, James can do better. Grrrrrr.

* I’m sure next time I see her she won’t be quite so brag-y.

* We’re going to watch some Greys Anatomy tonight-got the DVD. It’s supposed to be really good so I’m quite excited!

* 24 was EXCELLENT last night. As was Nip/Tuck. AND Ugly Betty.

* William tried beef tonight. Unsuprisingly he vacuumed it up! Little piggywig.

* He still won’t drink water. I get 2oz down him every day and that’s a struggle.

* I’m been thinking about christening recently. I don’t believe that you have to be a practising Christian to be a good one-I don’t go to church, but I still worship God in my own way. We didn’t get married in church. I’d like William to be part of God’s family but I don’t really believe that he needs to go through a special christening ceremony for that. What do you guys think of christening? I think a lot of people just do it because they feel they should without any real feeling behind it. Or they bow to family pressure. My parents were guilty of that with me. My dad’s agnostic for chrissakes!

* My gorgeous little boy is 7 months old today. I can’t believe how much I love him. When he wakes up from a nap and he’s rubbing his eyes and is all groggy, then he sees me and smiles, I honestly feel like my heart is going to burst.

lots of love, a loved-up Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxx


I think I was a little over-sensitive yesterday. Blame the Cancerian in me and the fact that I got my period. Bleugh!

Periods mean I’m fertile though so I’m secretly happy! There’s life in the old eggs yet! Bring on the baby! Woohooooo!

Beautiful day today! I’m going to take William out in the garden soon for a big play. He has a cold AGAIN and woke up at 4am this morning all stuffed up, poor baby. He eventually conked out at 5.15am in between me and Mike in bed. I had my arm round him and I kissed his head until he fell asleep.  

Greys Anatomy was fantastic. I’m hooked already!

Just been planning a little Easter treat for my little family. We’re going to go Beale Park, a local wildlife centre thingy which looks wonderful. I think William will enjoy it and if I put him in the sling facing outwards he’ll be able to see everything! Then I’ll cook Mike and I a romantic meal and consume a  bottle or two of wine. Mmmmmmm.

Gotta run. Bottles to sterilise and Flakes to eat!

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Oh, William smiles at you when he wakes up from a nap? Well, my Ari smiles at me AND talks too! 😉 lol, j/k. I’m sure you’ll succumb to the lure of mommy-bragging soon enough, and Deirdre will be writing about you in her blog. 😉 Seriously, though, I do love those just-woke-up smiles. They are the best. 🙂

March 26, 2007

Happy 7 months to William! As for the Christening, do whatever you feel is right. We had Krista baptized b/c we wanted to, but if you want to wait on it I think that would be ok too. It might be nice for him when he’s a bit older and can participate more in it.

March 26, 2007

7 months….wow, time flies!!

March 26, 2007

Oh yeah..almost forgot…The school is quite a large one…almost 400 pupils, but with this one form entry, next years reception class is going to have at least 40 pupils in it! It is also a school which is described as being in an area of high deprevation, which means we have a lot of…’challenging’ pupils to cope with. Some days can be quite stressful..can’t wait for the Easter break!!

March 26, 2007

You can have a naming ceremony if you don’t want an official baptism. Have you tried offering water straight from a glass? It’s the only way Jake takes it. We still on for Wednesday? xxx

March 26, 2007

Christening is a family decision. Genna is going to be baptised but thats because we plan on finding a good church and practicing. Yay for william being 7 months. I hope the gym workout goes better for william next time.

March 26, 2007

Happy 7 months William!

March 26, 2007

Angelo’s not a big fan of water either. Some days he seems to quite like it and happily drinks from his sippy cup, other days he’s just not interested. What does Mike think of christening? The mummy-bragging thing’s so annoying. Maybe it was just a one-off though :o)

March 27, 2007

Oh god I hate those bragging mums. So irritating!! If you ever wanna brag away to me feel free, my two munchkins do nothing so you’ll always win!!haha YAY for spring & summer. Its great :o) xxxxx

March 27, 2007

Ahh yes…us Cancerians tend to get a little sensitive LOL I really hate the competitiveness in motherhood. I hate it. I like to find out what other people’s kids are doing but its just because I am really not sure if Kathryn is developing at a good rate on certain things LOL

March 27, 2007

yay for being fertile! LOL!

March 27, 2007

RYN: ROFLMAO!! A pb cup is a peanut butter cup. A cup of milk chocolate filled with lovely peanut butter. Possibly the best taste combo in the world. A contraceptive device…oh, that has made me laugh. 😀

March 27, 2007

Mine was 7 months old yesterday!!:) How fun huh?? And I always make her water a tad bit warm… she seems to like that… or try just watering down the formula a bit… we do that too. Then at least I know she’s getting an extra ounce of water each time she eats…Good Luck:):):):)