I am officially BULBOUS

Dictionary definition of BULBOUS:

Main Entry: bul·bous
Pronunciation: ‘b&l-b&s
Function: adjective
: resembling a bulb especially in roundness or the gross enlargement of a part.

Yep, that sounds about right. I realised today (after seeing the most HIDEOUS picture of me ever known to man) that I am BULBOUS all over.   I knew that my bump was huge, obviously, and I knew my thighs and butt had swelled, but it dawned on me today that:

a) I have grown another chin. At LEAST.

b) My arms (the one part of my body I could always rely on)- are no longer quite toned and slim. Oh no.  They are definitely BULBOUS.

c) My nose has widened-I swear I’m not imagining this! Even Mike commented on it….

This was all triggered by a lovely daytrip we took to Windsor today and several VERY unflattering photos, followed by closer scrutiny of my bulbous form in a mirror…..anyway, I don’t care, in fact I’ve eaten cheesy fries and two ice-creams today in blatent rebellion, and tonight I’m going to stuff my face with a veggie lasagne! I’ve eaten v. healthily for most of my pregnancy, lots of fruit and veg every day, blah de blah, and yes, I’ve eaten a family-size portion of ice-cream most nights, as well as enough cheese an a daily basis to feed a family of mice for a month, but who cares, I’M PREGNANT!! The baby needs dairy……and I wasn’t a skinny minnie before, so I was never going to be one of those ladies who looks like she’s rammed a football up her dress, and then is back in her size 8 jeans a week after giving birth……   

I might post the hideous picture in question in my next entry!!

Anyway-Windsor was LOVELY!! Very posh. We went for lunch, then hopped on an open-top bus tour. I’m ADDICTED to open top bus tours-they’re so much fun! It’s such a quick and easy way to get the flavour of a town. This trip was great-we even went to Eton and saw the college! We then went on a boat trip, which was less exciting cos there wasn’t much to see except a lot of trees. The boat was ‘driven’ by three very handsome whippersnappers though, which was a perk. Ok, they couldn’t have been much older than 21 but they were very good-looking.  Query: is my libido waking up after many. many months of being dormant?! And if it is, what should I do about it?!

We then waddled home-I had the weirdest pain in my bump just under my right boob, kind of like something was pulling and dragging. It was really uncomfortable-can’t seem to walk anywhere these days without getting this pain. And I really do waddle when I walk now-I must look ridiculous, kind of like a drunk duck.

Yesterday was fun-went to lunch with Mike and 2 of his colleagues, then we braved Oxford Street and John Lewis-we had money to burn! We bought an interactive playmat, travel cot and breast pump. I really don’t think there’s ANYTHING left to get now-those were the last few things. This little boy has got everything he could possibly need for at least the first 6 months of his life!

Rightio, time to go and add to my bulbous-ness by cooking a lovely big veggie lasagne. Mmmmmmmm! Have a fab Saturday night everyone!

lots of love happycookie and my-cheese-and-ice-cream-loving-mini-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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August 5, 2006

LOL! Embrace your bulbousness and feed it lots of ice-cream and cheese. Heheh. ALso LMAO at the libido comment. I remember when Sam was about 7 weeks old, he got conjunctivitis and I had to take him to the on-call doc (who was new and VERY hot). It was the reawakening of my libido bigtime. He was so hot I wanted to shove a pen in my own eye just to go see him again. John Lewis is good for money burning! Post some pics of all the baby stuff you’ve got. Go on, make me broody again. Heh.

August 5, 2006

Libido? Heh! Tell me about it! Shame I can’t move around in the bed much anymore….:o(

August 7, 2006

Definitely make the most of the last few weeks of eating whatever you like – makes up a bit for being so uncomfortable doesn’t it?! Those 3D pics in the last entry are amazing – wish I’d had a scan like that done. Oh well, next time :o)

August 7, 2006

ah…you will loose a lot of that when the baby is born dont worry. Be happy with yourself, you are carrying another life in you.

August 8, 2006

RYN: Yes, my diss (or dissertation) is dragging me down. It has to be 10,000 words long, at it’s on the sampling methods used for red squirrels in the UK. I can tell how excited you are by that, so I’ll be posting it my diary when it’s finsihed, for posterity! I bet you can’t wait!

August 8, 2006

I have a pic of me like that. It got hidden, noone but me saw it and thats the way it should stay!!!!hahaha Im still trying to get rid of the aforementioned effects of the twins!!hehe Take care sweetpea xxxxxxx