Hideous xmas *edit*

So christmas day ended up being a complete and utter disaster. All thanks to my mother.

She turned up in a foul mood-the result of my dad pissing her off and other things-and refused to snap out of it all day. Despite the fact that it was her grandson’s first christmas. She sat sulking moodily in a chair, casting gloom over everybody and everything.

During dinner we were trying to talk to her and she was just answering in monosyllables. Halfway through she got up and went outside to check on the dog without saying anything to anybody, at which point, worn out with false joviality, I burst into tears.

When she came back in her and I had an argument, which cuminated in a very pissed off Mike and I taking William for a very long walk, me crying. We sepnt the evening trying to pretend everything was ok when it was blatently obvious it wasn’t.

She didn’t thank us for our presents. She didn’t say goodbye when she left. She had a face like thunder all evening.  


I’m actually very close to my mother. She was there when I gave birth, for chrissakes. But she does have almighty mood swings.

All of this, combined with my inlaws taking over the house, and I’m feeling pretty miserable if I’m honest.

I hope everyone had a better christmas then I did!

EDIT: well, as the day has gone on I feel really sad about the whole debacle. My dad texted me this morning to apologise on my mum’s behalf, but also said she’s been through a lot so don’t ‘judge harshly’. Yes, she had a small op a few weeks ago, but recovered really well. And their dog is very ill, but they’ve known that for weeks.

The bottom line is-she really spoilt yesterday. Mike is majorly pissed off about the whole thing and insists that I don’t text or call. But I hate, hate, HATE confrontation-especially with my mother, as we’re normally so close. We’ve certainly had some spectacular fall-outs over the years-but this is the first one in a looooooooong time.

She’s so stubborn, there’s no way she’ll text or call to apologise. I don’t really know what will happen now. And it’s making me feel sad, anxious and angry all rolled into one.

Ugh. This is a bit depressing. I really feel like getting very very drunk, but sadly as I’m still breastfeeding and in charge of a small person, there’s no chance!

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Oh Im so sorry. Poor you. I hope your mum realises how she wast acting and apologises to you. Have a better boxing day lovey xxx

December 26, 2006

Saw you on the front page. Sorry to hear that it was so awful. Hope you mange to make it up with her soon. xxx

December 26, 2006

Oh that’s not fair 🙁 Sorry you had a not so fun day!

ohh sorry about your mother (i know how that feels)

December 26, 2006

So sorry little doll. It’s tough when so much preparation goes into one day and then it turns out less than ideal. I hope Boxing Day is relaxing and peaceful for you.

December 26, 2006

Oh I’m sorry Cookie :o( xxx

I’m sorry it was so awful! *hugs* X

December 26, 2006

Awww. So sorry your Christmas was bad. Ours was too. Maybe this is the year for bad Christmases?

December 26, 2006

awww that sucks! i hope she apologises to u soon.

ugh…it’s totally unfair for some one in a foul mood to bring everyone else down. Especially on a Holiday!! hang in there..

I dont think anyone truly had a good christmas this year. We should have skipped it. Sheesh. If it hadnt been Abigails first I would have. Sorry your mom was acting like a poop. *hugs*

December 26, 2006

There should be a law that on babe’s first Xmas, you get your house to yourself and do NOT have to be any bigger a family than just you, your hub and the babe(s). That’s it. *HUG* Sounds like your mum and my dad have the same mood issue.

December 26, 2006

Im so sorry that your Christmas didnt turn out…feel better 🙂

December 30, 2006

I’m sorry your Christmas was so horrible *hugs* Hope things get sorted with your mum soon. I hate confrontation too :o(