Growing up. And an embarrasing story.

In 3 days William will be 5 months old. I can’t believe it.

Suddenly he’s started doing a lot of things at once.

Rolling both ways. Talking really really loudly (aaaaaarrrrhhhh!! Ggggggooooo. You get the picture). Shrieking. Squealing. Trying to crawl! He lifts his bum really high, tucks his knees underneath and shuffles round his playmat! Clever boy.

I don’t feel sad-I feel really excited! The next few months are going to be so much fun! And exhausting probably….

I don’t know how much longer we can hold off from solids. William is draining bottles of breastmilk or formula in under 10 minutes and usually goes less than 3 hours between feeds. He is also clearly bored by milk, making chomping motions with his mouth, chewing his fist constantly, and is still waking really really early (we’ve both been up since 5.30am today!). I’m going to see what happens in the next week or so. It’s so hard, this weaning thing. I really wanted to wait til 6 months but that seems a lifetime away. Is it really going to make a difference if I do it at, say, 5 and a half months?! Or 5 months? *sigh* I just don’t know.

Weekend was so much fun at my mum and dad’s! William was an angel. We showed him the sea and took him on long walks along the seafront, stopping for chips. We visited Margate and had a hot chocolate by the marina. William was sociable and happy to be held by my mum and dad. It was really lovely!

APART from a rather unfortunate incident on the way there! The journey was taking longe than planned and I was getting increasingly desperate for the loo-my bladder was bursting. We were stuck in a jam with no signs of a toilet anywhere and I was nearly crying because I needed to go so badly. In desperation I told Mike to drive down a deserted lane so I could go in a field and have a good wee (I haven’t done this since I was about 7!)

So there I am, squatting in a field, praying a car won’t drive by….and suddenly I heard what sounded suspiciously like a train. Yep. I was squatting about 200m away from a railway line and at that exact moment a long, packed train decided to go past. The passengers must have been wetting themselves laughing! Soooooo embarassing.

Tonight I have planned a romantic evening for me and Mike. I’m cooking a chicken biryani (for the first time! eek!) and I’m going to light lots of candles, put Keane on the stereo, crack open a bottle of wine, throw off my gross brown nursing bra and throw on some nice girly underwear. Mmmmm. Can’t wait.

lots of love Clare xxxxxxxxxxxx


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January 23, 2007

wheeeeee have fun without the brown bra! as for peeing in the field… we’ve all been there at one time or other. 🙂

January 23, 2007

Your eve sounds lovely hunny. I hope it goes to plan xxxxxxxx

LMAO!! I’m sure no one even noticed! India started on solids at 4 months and it didn’t do her any harm! X

January 23, 2007

ROFLMAO I would have died laughing if I were on that train. I would have died of embarrassment if I were you! LOL I’d start him out on solids if he’s acting ready!!

I’m the same way when Ari learns nwe things–not sad, just excited. It’s fun to watch her become more independent. Sounds like William is ready for solids–he’s doing all the same stuff that Ari does, and she is chowing down solids like crazy. I think the reason we went through such a fussy spell with her recently was simply b/she was hungry–needed more than just her bottle.

January 23, 2007

LOL that’s too funny about the train :o) I don’t think it makes that much difference when you start solids as long as you stick to the things they say are OK before 6 months. If Angelo had been showing definite signs of being ready, I’d have started before now. The downside to waiting is I’ve now apparently got to introduce foods quite quickly which I’m not sure is the best idea. Yay for

January 23, 2007

William growing up into such a big, clever boy! Hope you enjoy your nursing-bra-free evening!!!

January 23, 2007

ROFL! Sorry, but at least it was a train going fast and not a car that could have stopped and gawped at you even more. 😉 Why don’t you talk to your HV about the weaning? I know it’s a stressful time and every baby is individual. In the meantime, take some more piccies of William for us!! 🙂

January 23, 2007

Oooh I’m jealous of your evening plans. Good Luck!

January 23, 2007

LMAO! that is funny!

January 23, 2007

Just think of yourself as mooning the train. 🙂 Also, have fun with Mike, its always enjoyable to get all sexified. hee hee

January 23, 2007

at least most of the people on the train will never see you again.

Id go ahead and start william on solids. abigail started at what, 3 months on the cereal, and i believe she was about 4 and a half months when i started her on baby foods. and she did beautifully.

woohoo! Have fun with Mike tonight, you deserve it! Oh and I have so many ‘needing a wee’ embarrasing stories *cringes* too! xxx

January 23, 2007

RYN: Thanks for the support and kind words. You’re awesome! I will definitely post some belly pics, I’ve been wanting too. 🙂

January 23, 2007

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohmigod i think i’d die! LOL. Damn bladders just can’t hold what they used to huh?

January 23, 2007

sounds like a fun evening you have planned. can you put some rice cereal in his milk to give it some more bulk? lol about the train…

January 24, 2007

5 months? Already????? Wow