Grouchy week *bloody hormones*

Hi y’all,

I’ve had a really grouchy week. To summarise……..

1. Work has been TOO BUSY. I have lost all motivation and interest. It all seems so unimportant. I won’t be there in September and I’ll probably never return. On Wednesday night all teaching staff had to stay late for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), to which all parents are invited to discuss the year that’s ending and ways we can improve the school, blah blah. The parents of kids at my school fall into 2 categories:

1. Pushy and stroppy (90%)

2. Lovely and laid-back (10%)

Guess which type come to the AGM? Yep……anyway, as the parents moaned and discussed school dinners (yawn) I clock-watched and got increasingly grumpy. Eventually got away at 8.30pm, and was home by 9.45pm….not too bad I suppose.

All week I was dreading yesterday – we had our annual Sports Day which was very sweet, lots of sack races and egg-and-spoon races! Very tiring though – at about 10am the kids started whining, ‘when is it luuuuuunnnnnccchhhtiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmeee?’. We didn’t actually have lunch til 1pm, so that was 3 hrs of whining!!!

After all of that we had our staff summer do. I really didn’t want to go – I was shattered after a crazy week and all I ever want to do on Friday night is come home, put on my PJs and watch Big Brother!! Whatever happened to the party girl I used to be?! I feel about 100 years old these days. Also the party didn’t start until 7pm, and school finished at 3.30pm – 3.5 hours to kill hanging around school. Anyway, it actually ended up being much better than I expected; I stayed til 9pm and was home by 10.15pm. The party was just getting started when I left – I expect they’ll be some hungover peeps today!!


I know I keep on moaning about this, but I’m fed-up with being so tired. It will definitely be better once I finish work. Today our friends Jackie and Mark are coming over. I’m so looking forward to seeing them, but I feel devoid of all energy. I could probably go back to bed and sleep for another 8 hours actually. I have huge black circles under my eyes, and a coldsore brewing……I only get those when I’m very run-down. See what I mean about being grouchy?!

2. Felt very hormonal this week. As well as being grumpy, been worrying about something horrible happening to Mike or I before the baby’s born. The current book I’m reading hasn’t helped – it’s about a girl who’s husband dies. Anyway – it’s stupid to worry about something like that, so I’m not going to anymore *draws line under whole topic*.

Hurumph. Enough grumping and grouching. The baby’s still moving lots! His kicks are getting much sharper. My bump is BIG. Several people commented this week on how much it’s grown. Yay! My latest pregnancy symptom is…..weird pains in crotch. Looooovely…….I think it’s all just stretching down there.

Right – I’d better go slap some make-up on my biiiiig dark circles. Our friends will be here soon. Oooh! Forgot to mention – we’re meeting my mum and dad & going to go and buy a pram / pushchair tomorrow! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Our cotbed was delivered on Thursday, so the parm will be the last big thing to get….we’re pretty much all set!!

lots of love happycookie and mini-footballer-cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxx


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July 18, 2006

Oooh! Crotch pains!! I remember those well. Good thing you’re done soon and can wallow around and be lazy. BTW, you’ve been tagged. Latest entry explains! 😉

July 19, 2006

Sorry you’ve had a bad week – only 2 days until the end of term now! Hang in there :o) Isn’t it exciting once you’ve got all the stuff for the baby? Hope you’re coping OK with the heat today, especially commuting.