Feel the Love

Hey hey people,

It’s Valentines Day!!! It seems like I’m the only one of my faves that likes it, as I’ve just read a bunch of anti-Valentines entries….c’mon people, feel the luuuuuuuuurve!

Me? I love the slush. Mike bought me gorgeous-smelling flowers, he’s cooking me a surprise dinner and his card was lovely. Sure, he could do that stuff anyday of the year…….but it’s fun to do it on Valentines Day!

And yesterday was my darling husband’s 30th birthday! I can’t quite believe he’s 30. Next year it will be my turn! And on February 18th, it will be 8 years that we’ve been together. Jeez!

I can’t believe I only have a year of my twenties left. All those lists….30 things to do before you’re 30 (or is it before you die? I can’t remember….) – I wonder how many I’ve done?! Actually, my twenties have rocked. I….

* Had a fantastic time at university, completing my English degree by getting a kick-ass 2:1;

* Met the man of my dreams, had a blast drinking, eating out and going on fun holidays, all topped off by getting married in December 2004;

* Trained as a teacher, a job I adore;

* Had my gorgeous little Sausage William, and now another’s on the way! Whoppeeeee!

Ok so things aren’t perfect now, but we get by. I miss teaching so much, we’re permanently skint and I’m doing a job I despise so I can stay at home with William. Which is lovely but brain-mushing. But hey, nothing is awful when I’ve got my gorgeous husband by my side……

Oh my goodness, I’m feeling so slushy today-must be St Valentine’s shooting his arrows at my butt. Anyway. In less vomit-inducing news…..

* My morning/all-day sickness has pretty much subsided!!! Thank f*ck. It was seriously wearying feeling sick on and off most of the day.

* I have my 12 week scan a week tomorrow. Tres exciting! I’m getting obsessed with the whole wanting-a-girl thing though. Saw some gorgeous pink clothes in Next today and I yearned. After this baby, that’s it-we’re not having a third, so there’s a chance I may never get to buy the gorgeous girly tights and pinafores and frills. Hmmmm. Don’t like that thought much.

* Mike’s suprise 30th birthday dinner was last Saturday! I was seriously pissed by the fact that I had 7 cancellations on the day. I gave people so much notice for this shebang……it’s just rude. Anyway. it was lovely, and the first time we’ve been out for dinner since………….God knows when.

* It was very civilised. No drunken fools, and we were in bed by midnight. Is this what happens when you’re 30?

* Yesterday I pulled a sickie and Mike and I went to Odds Farm! It was a gorgeous day-all blue skies and warm sunshine-and we had a blast. William enjoyed stroking the rabbits (he’s surprisingly gentle!), feeding the goats, and looking at the pigs and cows. He really really loved this giant slide that you zoomed down on mats and the giant playground area! It’s lovely to be able to do more stuff like that with him now.

* Words are coming thick and fast. From him, not me. Recent additions include ‘book’, ‘go’, ‘bear’, ‘bubble’.

* He’s a real mummy’s boy right now. He loves taking my finger and leading me places, and strains to get to me if Mike picks him up. When he sees me in the morning he gives me a massive smile. Funny as not long ago he was totally into Daddy, and ignoring me. Hmmm. I kinda like it

* I’m really worried about my ability to take care of Rebecca properly at the moment. She’s been awful this week-crying most of the day. She stops when I pick her up, but I obviously can’t spend all day holding her. Her mum’s taking her to the docs today to see is she’s ill-but to be honest, I think she’s just missing home. I’m trying my best to take care of her, but she’s such a weird baby, it’s hard work. If you met her, you’d know what I mean……

* We’re moving! To Kent. It’s about 2 hours drive from here. Not sure where exactly, but it’ll be somewhere near my parents. I really want to live near them. Probably in the summer.  Maidenhead is ok but it’s expensive. Our rent is £1045 per month! We gotta think long-term, like: where can we afford to buy a house one day? No chance of that in Maidenhead.

Right, I’m off to snuggle up to my husband and watch TV. Happy Valentines Day, all you Valentine scrooges!!

love Cookie xxxxxxxxxx

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February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day.

February 14, 2008

£1045 a month!!!! Holy hell!!! I am so glad youre enjoying the hell that is V.day. I did love it once (when I was in love ironically!!) and im really glad to hear how happy you are. Lots of love xxxxxxxx

February 14, 2008

£1045??? Jesus. Friends of our live in Kent and they love it. We don’t celebrate V-day here either. We just don’t see the point, its so much more romantic celebrating your love on a day when you’re not told to be romantic! Enjoy it anyway. xxxx

February 14, 2008

You’re paying RENT of £1045 a month?! *dies* I love baby babble. Happy V day!

February 14, 2008

I also lurrve Valentiens day! 🙂

February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine’s Day :o) Sounds like you had a lovely family day at the farm! Yay for William saying lots of words! I’m STILL waiting for that with Angelo!!! That’s exciting about moving back near your parents :o) Mine are in Surrey and I would love to move back there one day. Unlikely though :o(

I hope your Anni was lovely!