Early morning waking, and vodka.

Just a quickie.

William has just done an enormous and disgusting poo all over his clothes, back, bumbo, and me. The cleanup job took about half an hour. Words can’t describe how gross it was.

On a different note-I forgot how yummy vodka was. And how I never get hangovers with it! I had a good few fat ones last night. Mmmmm. Guilt-free too, as I am weaning off breast-feeding! Yay!

Early morning waking sucks. William is still waking every morning around 4-6am and fusses. His nose is always congested when he wakes. It takes a lot of work to get him back to sleep. I leave him to grizzle but I just can’t leave him to cry. It just ain’t me. So after putting nasal drops in, and usually feeding him, I end up patting, shushing and stroking him like a cat. Just as his breathing gets regular and I tiptoe out of the room, thinking he’s asleep……….he starts off again. This whole process can go on for ages *groans*. He does normally go off to sleep again but never very deeply. I’m hoping starting solids may make a difference. He’s so ready now, so we’re going to start next weekend I think.  I’m really excited about it!!

The idea of going to bed and waking up at 7am with no interruptions is completely alien to me. The last time that happened was 23rd August-the night before I went into labour! Jeez.

Apart from that, The Sausage is absolutely gorgeous and we’ve had a really lovely weekend! Waterbabies was amazing on Friday; my brave little man went underwater 3 times! He loves it and didn’t grizzle or cry once. I was so proud.

I’ve got some pics to post so I’ll do that tomorrow.

TTYL people!

love Cookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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January 28, 2007

lol ur son sounds adorable

January 28, 2007

I totally love your “slang” words! Grizzle. I am going to use that! I have poop and puke monsters at my house right now too, I can’t count how many changes of clothes I have done. I hope your day gets better!

January 28, 2007

I can’t drink vodka. I turn into a not so nice girl! 😀

January 28, 2007

No hangover with vodka? I can top that. How about no hangover, ever? :oP Hope Mr William starts going a bit longer for you in the morning, Jacob is just coming out of a waking at 5am spell. Hopefully with solids he’ll be more settled. I know Jacob is. *claps* well done William, what a brave boy for going underwater! Could you please talk to my wuss of a son and tell him that it is totally unneccesary to act like he’s being drowned every time I splash water on his face? xxx

January 28, 2007

Krista has done a few of those poops in her bouncy chair. Those are the worst. Good luck with the solids!

January 28, 2007

Exploding poo!!! ACK! That’s one good thing about cloth, I haven’t had an exploding poo since Sam was 2 weeks old (once I got the knack of using ’em). ROFL, uninterupted full-nights’ sleep??? What’s that again?? 😉

RYN: You can upload videos to any photo-sharing type of website, like Photobucket or YouTube. I use UnCut Video. Once I upload the video, I just click on “embed this video” and it gives me the html code, which I copy and paste into my entry. I know that’s not a ot of info, but if you know how to put pics in your entries, videos are just as easy!

You think his poops are awful now? Wait until you start solids–ugh! 😉

January 28, 2007

Ah, don’tcha love the messy poo everywhere? LOL

January 28, 2007

awwww i wish we had swimming for babies in my area!

January 28, 2007

Uninterrupted sleep? Pretty alien to me at the moment too :o( Angelo was up at 9.30pm, 2am, 4am and then 6.45 last night. Worst part is that he slept through for months and I got too used to it… Hope solids settle William a bit. I’m still waiting to see the effects but it’s only been a few days and hopefully it’ll happen once he starts eating more.. Congrats to William on the swimming!

January 29, 2007

goodness, i wish Ann would start to like water. she screams bloody murder everytime she gets a bath.