
Crikey! My last entry was very depressing. I shall make this entry chirpier!

Had a big catch up sesh with my faves last night-I’ve still got a couple to read but I’m mostly up to date. I MISSED YOU GUYS!!! Everything has just been crazy here and Mike was at home last Friday, Monday and yesterday so I’ve not had much time to get on here. Here’s the news….

*William STILL has a cough! This cold/cough combo has dragged on for TWO WEEKS. Plus, his appetite went AWOL over the weekend-for 4 days he ate about half his normal amount. I freaked out-he’s always been such a guzzler and this has never happened before. We think he’s teething-he has all the signs, including dribbling and thrashing around like he’s in pain when he’s eating, which I think may have something to do with it! 

I spent the weekend obsessing to Mike: ‘he’s looking thinner! Look at his face! It’s practically gaunt! Why isn’t he eating?’….blah blah BLAH! Despite the fact that he seemed perfectly content and smiley. His appetite is back now but he’s not eating quite as much as he used to-perhaps he just doesn’t need so much milk anymore!

Ooh! We made the move to the cotbed with absolutely no problems at all! All of your tips were so helpful! He’s been in there for over a week now and he LOVES it-he stretches himself right out! Mike and I are getting much better sleep! I’m still naughty though-he starts squawking at about 6am and our official ‘get up’ time is 8am, so I being him into bed with me. He turns his little face towards mine and falls asleep pretty much instantly with our noses touching…..I love it.  

He has no daytime routine and last week this began to get me down. He eats erratically-5oz here, 3oz there, snacking, going anything from 2 hours to 4 hours between feeds. He tends to get sleepy at roughly the same sort of times but I never know where to put him to sleep-I don’t want to put him into the cot as that’s a night-time place. So I’ve tried to get a very loose routine going. He has a morning nap (30 mins usually) in the bouncer in the lounge. At lunchtime I’ve been taking him out in the pram for 1/2 hours so he gets a good sleep. And then he has a late afternoon nap (30 mins or so) on me or in his chair. If he doesn’t get those sleeps, he gets UBER crotchety. It seems to be working-so far-although I’m sure he sleeps less than most babies.

Feeding wise, I am beyond sick of expressing. Nuff said. Don’t think I’m going to do it much beyond Christmas. Hopefully I’ll be able to wean him soon although he’s showing no signs of needing anything other than milk yet.

*I was sick on Sunday. From alcohol over-indulgence *hangs head on shame*.  I am too embarassed to go into the details but I have been a very, very good girl since.

*I have a new foxy haircut! With COLOUR! I was determined not to be a slummy mummy anymore! Will take a pic and post it and you can all note me and tell me how lovely it looks! (teehee!)

*We have to move. I’ve spent the last few nights lying awake after feeding my little man worrying about this. Our eviction date is 8th Feb. I LOVE this house. I don’t want to move. But it’s been sold so we have no choice.

The question is: what do we do now? Rent or buy? Stay in Maidenhead or move? We’re thinking about moving to a lovely place called Sevenoaks in Kent. It’s nearer my mum and dad and nearer Mike’s work. But if we move, I’ll really miss my weekly meet-ups with the girls from my antenatal class. When you’re a mum, daytime socialising is so important for your sanity! If we move to Sevenoaks, I won’t know anyone.

Also there’s the question of my childminding course-which I think is supposed to be starting in January in Maidenhead. If I don’t do that here, where will I do it, and when? I need to start working by next June at the latest. Childminding is the only career which will enable me to earn money and stay with William. So should I stay in Maidenhead to do that?

Uuuuuuuugggghhhhhhh. My head spins just thinking about it all. So many questions and I’m in denial about the whole thing. Trying to make massive life decisions like this just before Christmas is all wrong. My head is full of micne pies and presents and there’s no room for anything else. I would appreciate any advice about this because I haven’t got a clue!

Argh! William’s awake! That half an hour went quickly. Better shoot. It is seriously cold here today in Maidenhead. Brrrrr! Christmas is coming and happpycookie is yet again getting fat-I can’t stop eating yummy Christmas things!

lots of love happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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December 6, 2006

Moving is tough. Being closer to work for your husband could be quite the blessing though if the commute is much shorter. As for meeting new Moms – remember that when you took the antenatal class, you didn’t know a single person! I met a bunch of great Moms at the storytime at the library. There are Moms groups sprouting up everywhere. Be well… and I’m right there with you at the desserttable. Signed, Chubby Me 😉

December 6, 2006

LOL You are so funny–he wouldn’t get thin that quickly silly 😉 I bring Kathryn into our bed if she wakes up in the middle of the night. There is no getting her back to sleep in her own crib 🙁 I really miss having room to sleep!

fatty cookie again? lol, you’re so silly! just remember, william is still very young. abigail was the same way when she was little (no schedule AT ALL) but now I can read her like a book. I promise it gets easier. Dont cut his milk out. If you’re feeding him cereal or baby food, cut down on that a little bit, because he still needs lots of milkies. And yes, teething is A PAAAAIN but that will get

easier too as well. and you’re right, that could be a major reason why hes not eating so hot. I’m going through that with Abigail right now, except shes eating and taking her naps, but SHE WONT SLEEP AT NIGHT! anywho, now im rambling! glad to have you back. cant wait to see your new haircut, ive gotta post pics of mine too! *hugs*

December 6, 2006

Poor little boo, still coughing away. babies have a ton of fat reserves though, he WILL eat when he’s hungry. Sevenoaks is a lovely place though! And having less of a commute for Mike would be ace too, more time for him to spend with you and William. I know what you mean about leaving your new mum friends…but you will find others wherever you end up living. RYN: DEF go swimming!! Apparently, you don’t even have to wait until they’ve had their first three sets of jabs…you can go whevener you’re comfortable. Sam loves it, always has, and on swimming days he eats better and sleeps better. 🙂

December 6, 2006

Poor William, still sick! Don’t worry too much about him not eating as much, babies have a pretty good fat reserve, and with him being sick and probably teething, he’s not going to want to eat a whole lot. Hope he gets better soon!

I think I read somewhere that if it seems like your baby is “snacking” too much, you can give him a bottle of water (to quench his thirst), and that may hold him off till the next feeding, and then he’ll be sure to be hungrier at eat more. Not sure what age that’s appropriate for, but it kinda makes sense. Sorry for the unsolicited advice! 😉 Feel free to ignore me.

Maybe you should rent where you are until after your course? Or see if you could do the same course in sevenoaks? You sound confident and i’m sure there would be loads of mummy groups you could join. X

December 7, 2006

Sorry to hear William’s still sick, hope it clears up soon poor thing. Moving is a nightmare. Especially when you’ve got so many decisions to make. Sevenoaks is lovely though. We lived there for a year when I was little before we moved to Surrey. You could always do the childminding course in Sevenoaks if you went there though couldn’t you? And you can meet mum friends wherever you are :o)

December 7, 2006

RYN: We were supposed to be spending Christmas Eve and Boxing Day with my parents and Christmas Day with my in-laws but various things have meant that we’re now spending the whole time with my parents. Is it awful that I’m sooooo happy about that?!?! Christmas just got a whole lot better for me!!!