
2 lots of people have just come round to view our house. We’re renting at the moment and the stupid landlady wants to sell it, so she’s put it on the market *grumbles*. We only moved here in April for chrissakes!

*Memo to self: before next viewings, hide breastpump and bad, grey, elastic-hanging-out knickers drying on line.*

William is being weird. Last night when we put him to bed he was all grumbly and started screaming about 9.30pm-he never does that. After a cuddle he settled fine, slept through til 5am and then threw up on me this morning-he also never does that. Today he seems a bit out-of-sorts, is not eating as much as usual and is sleeping a lot. In between sleeps, he’s frowning. He has also does projectile poo all over his sleepsuit (TMI?). Why can’t babies TALK?! If he could just say, ‘mummy, I’m fine, just got a bit of a tummyache today, so there’s no need to fret and ask me if I’m ok every 20 seconds’, life would be a lot easier.

Realised today with horror that I am not doing any pelvic floor exercises. I’ve done about 50 since William was born. Because I tore so badly in childbirth, I was told it was absolutely essential that I did these every day. I am going to be wearing a giant nappy in 40 years’s time and someone will be cleaning up MY projectile poo (sorry, that’s really gross).

Off to weigh my little chubster this afternoon-I’m sure being stripped naked and placed on some nice cold metal scales will REALLY cheer him up but I’m dying to see what he weighs-he was 12lb 2oz 2 weeks ago.

Off to express for the 10000000,000000th time today (feels like it anyway)-see you soon,

lots of love happycookie and Mr Frown xxxxxxxxxx

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November 13, 2006

Yeah life would be so great if they could talk!

November 13, 2006

Mr Frown is coming up to a growth spurt – 3 months. He’ll be “off” for a bit and then he’ll eat like a little pig for a longer bit and then all will be back to normal. honest promise. 😉

November 13, 2006

ROFL! You are too funny. Now, go do a whole bunch of pelvic floor exercises. heheh. Sounds like the growth spurt is def on the way. Either that or he’s got a touch of whatever’s been going around lately. Crap that they’re showing the house! Where will you guys go from there? Any thoughts yet?

awww, i forgot they are so little when they’re young..haha. Aw, poor William, I used to hate when Abigial would act crazy and I didn’t know what to do. Wow, 12 pounds 2 ounces at 2 months old..he’s a little fatty (not in a bad way!!)…Abigail has just always been so tiny, I love babies with a little baby fat..:-)

November 13, 2006

poor little guy, i wish he felt better. You should check and see if you has a fever.

November 13, 2006

12lb. LOL. Kaia is 3mnths and still hasnt cracked the 12lb mark yet. *sigh* I’m freaked about pelvic floor exercises too! I dont nearly do them as much as i should!

November 14, 2006

ryn: babies have growth spurts at 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months. knowing just this little bit can sometimes take a lot of mystery out of their behaviours when you’re a new mum!

I always used to wish India could just tell me what was wrong too. I still do! It would just make life so much easier! I’ve just added you to my faves. X

November 15, 2006

I hate pelvic floor exercises. Hope William’s feeling better soon and has put on lots of weight :o)