Boozy Mum

…is what I am! I’ve had rather a lot of wine this weekend *looks guilty*….it’s been FANDABBYDOZY!  (who can tell me who says that?!)

On Friday night my friend Clare came over and we had a gorgeous curry washed down with 2 fat glasses of white wine while we watched loads of old New Kids on the Block videos on YouTube (we both used to be HUGE fans!). Very giggly and fun! Yesterday Clare and I went to lunch at Pizza Express while Mike looked after William. We shared a bottle of wine and had a delicious three course lunch. It was wonderful and very good for the soul……it was like the old days and a welcome break from the constant mummy-ing! I love my little man so much but I used to be such a party girl…I need a little ‘release’ every now and again. I had to pump and dump my milk though to avoid intoxicating my little man!

Last night we went over to Deidre and Mike’s- they had their baby boy, James, 4 days after William. Unfortunately the night had to be cut short when James choked on vomit-they raced off to A & E and we paced around their house for 2 hours, panicking. Luckily he was fine!

William has been smiling and cooing all day. It’s so sweet. He’s an angel and I love him so much. I love the weekend when Mike is here.  Everything is so much easier and more fun and I don’t worry about stuff as much.

This is not a terribly exciting entry. Hohum. Be back soon.

lots of love Happycookie and William xxxxxxxxxxx

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November 12, 2006

I have no idea who says that *lol* I used to love New Kids!! LOL I was sooooooo in love with Jordan.

November 12, 2006

Boozy weekends are definitely called for sometimes! Sounds lovely, minus the baby choking on vomit thing. Ergh. Mmmm…wine…I am so having a glass tonight since I’m not knocked up and not ov’ing yet. TMI, I know. *laughs*

November 12, 2006

*rolls eyes* Everybody knows it was the Crankies!

lol I had some wine on Friday night…just 2 glasses and I was BUZZED! woo..

November 12, 2006

lol, glad you had a good weekend. You have been wanting to get out of the house, glad you finally got too!!

November 12, 2006

The best thing about having a drink after 9months of no alcohol, you become the cheapest drunk in the world! LOL Glad you had a great weekend.

November 12, 2006

Sounds like a nice weekend…very jealous of the wine :o) If only I could get Angelo to take a bottle so I could express! The health visitor said I’ve left it too late now so advised going straight to a cup….but he doesn’t like that much either at the moment!

November 12, 2006

RYN: I’m absolutely sure most of the time…it’s just when I have down days that I start doubting. I think it’s just all the fuss of a huge wedding that I’m finding it hard to get excited about. It seems to be taking on a life of its own and it just seems a bit over the top when we’ve already got a baby together and marriage isn’t going to be a big change or anything.