Bleed & Scan

I had a rather big bleed on Monday night. It was so, so scary. I’d had my usual mad Monday afternoon looking after William, Louis and Rebecca, I’d just run William’s bath, went to the loo and……bam. Pink on the loo paper. Pink that over the next few hours, turned bright red. I’d had a weird tummy all afternoon that I’d put down to eating an egg & coleslaw sandwich at lunch (mini-cookie obviously didn’t approve of that combination…..).

I had to tutor from 7-8pm as it was too late to cancel while constantly popping out of the room to call the out-of-hours doctor and Mike. The doc booked me into the Early Pregnancy Unit at the hospital the next day (Tuesday) at 2.45pm for a scan.

I honestly thought that was it. I knew I had a big bleed when pregnant with William at 12 weeks, but that was post-coital. This hadn’t been triggered by anything. It was such red blood, with little clots and everything. The weird thing was, I felt quite calm. There was no point disintegrating and turning into a wailing wreck. I actually think Mike was more upset than I was.

Yesterday morning, the bleeding had pretty much stopped. I had no cramps, so I began to wonder if maybe it was a false alarm, especially as I felt really really sick all morning. At 2pm we got a taxi to the hospital; all 4 of us-Mike, me, Rebecca and William. Thankfully keeping two toddlers busy was a fab distraction from the impending scan!

After all of that-mini-cookie was fine!!! We saw him/her on the screen and saw the little heart beating away. He even had a little wriggle! Oh my God, the relief was indescribable. I’ve got 2 little pics and everything!!!

Other news:

* I’ve been reading the most amazing book called Raising Babies: Why Your Love is Best by Steve Biddulph. It’s fabulous. Normally I think childcare books speak a load of shit but this one……let’s just say there’s no way William is going to preschool until he’s 3, and I’m extremely proud that I’m a SAHM. I’m not going to go into all the details now, so here’s an article about it to read if you’re interested:;jsessionid=44JNEW5HRLBQRQFIQMGSFGGAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2006/03/12/nursery12.xml&page=1

* Sickness is at an all time high. Today was just awful.

* Mike and I have made some big decisions about our future this week, but I haven’t got the energy to go into it now. I’ll write about it tomorrow.

love Clare xxxxxx

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February 6, 2008

Glad everything is okay! *HUGS*

February 6, 2008

Oh hun im so glad youre okay. Your title scared the crap out of me!! Im really glad that all is well *big hugs* xxxxxx

February 6, 2008

I’m so glad everything is OK. *huge hugs*

February 6, 2008

ohh scary! i’m glad everything is OK!

February 6, 2008

Glad everything is okay, go you staying so calm. xxx

February 6, 2008

Bleeds are SO scary, I bled with both Sam and Eva (Three times with her). I’m so glad you had a scan and mini-cookis is ok. Yay for feeling super pukey! Hmm…will have to look further into this book. 🙂

February 6, 2008

Must have been scary – glad it was all ok!

Oh, how scary! I never had any bleeding when pregnant, but it’s a good thing I didn’t. because I would have been a basket case! I’m so glad everything is OK!

February 6, 2008

I’m glad everything is o.k.!

Oh goodness! I’m glad everything is fine with you and the baby! You definitely handled it a lot better than I would have!

February 7, 2008

Scary hun! Im sorry i havent been on here much. Im sooooo glad things are ok. How far are you? im so out of the loop!

Cant wait to hear about your news! Glad minicookie is doing well. Hugs xxx

February 9, 2008

OOo…what a scare…I am so glad all is ok though. *hugs*