Answers to questions…

What was your ideal job when you were a nipper? (Babe in Toyland)

I wanted to be an author…I loved writing stories on my archaic typewriter!

Where is your ideal holiday destination?

For our honeymoon we stayed in a water bungalow in the Maldives, which was like heaven on earth….now I would LOVE to visit New York and do all the touristy stuff like go up the Empire State Building! In fact I’d love to do a tour across the US and see L.A. and San Francisco.

Favourite food?

That’s easy…, chips (from the chippy), chicken tikka masala….mmmm.

How did you meet Mike? (utopian*dream)

In Feb 2000 I was studying English at Manchester University and had just broken up with my complete GEEK of a boyfriend who was the biggest nerd I think I’ve ever met….he used to leave parties early to go home and study….how many uni students do that?!? I was a massive party animal so we were completely incompatible.

I went to Bangor, in Wales, to visit my best friend Jackie, who was at uni there. Mike was also a student there, and they were both studying English so knew each other quite well. She had a pic of me and her on her wall and Mike had seen it and asked to meet me!!! So that Friday night we got our glad rags on….those were the days when I was uber-skinny and wore tiny skirts!!-and hit the local student nightclub called Time. As usual we had a great time, shimmying on the dancefloor, downing snakebite and black and getting nicely drunk, and at some point in the evening I met Mike. Who had a BEARD. A full grown, tramp-style one. I kid you not. He was growing it for a bet!!! Despite that I remember thinking how yummy he was. He had unbelievably piercing eyes!

Anyway we spent the rest of the night chatting and I remember telling him about how gutted I was that I had only got 48% on one of my recent exams! We had a good snog by the bar at the end of the night, one month later he came to visit me in Manchester and we had a fab weekend, a few weeks later we went to London together and I realised I was falling in love with him…..

In August 2000-6 months after we met!-we moved into a flat in London together and the rest, as they say, is history……..I can’t imagine life without him, he is my soulmate and literally my ‘other half’….I just wouldn’t be complete without him.

What animal would you like to come back as and why?

A cat. Because they sleep all day and always seem very content.

What are you afraid of?

Death. Something bad happening to anyone I love. Terrorism. Cancer. Old age.

One embarassing story…..

One springs to mind….a few years ago I got absolutely and completely hammered on white wine at a club called On Anon in Piccadilly Circus. It was a Tuesday night and I had work the next morning-I was working in an office then and HATED my job, so I tended to go a little wild when I went out. I drank and drank and then-foolishly-moved onto tequila, which always makes me loopy. Before I knew it I was shaking my stuff on the dancefloor like a lunatic. I spied a deserted DJ booth and decided it would be a really, really good idea to climb on top of it and LAUNCH myself onto Mike’s shoulders…..*shudder*….BIG mistake. In my drunken stupor I completely missed Mike’s shoulders and landed with an almighty thud in the middle of the dancefloor, wrecking a plant in the process and also whacking my head so hard I gave myself concussion….

But the story doesn’t end there. Mike and I got the tube home but fell asleep and ended up at Heathrow. A station guard had to wake us up to get us off the train and as soon as I stepped on the platform I threw up. Spectacularly….

Pic of William in sunglasses is coming, I promise, as soon as I find my sunglasses!!!!

Have you any tips or guidance for wedding planning? (princess-peach-pie)

1. Do what YOU want to do and don’t let anyone bully you into stuff, e.g the guest list-invite exactly who YOU want. If you don’t want to invite Great Aunt Mavis who you haven’t seen since you were 3, don’t invite her…no matter what anyone says.

2. Give yourself plenty of time to plan everything……18 months is a good benchmark.

3. I got a book and started sticking pictures from wedding mags and jotting down ideas so I could gradually put together the perfect day. It really worked and is great to look back on!

4. On the day, stop and take time to take everything in….the day goes so fast, you just have to stop and watch your guests having a great time and drink it all in.

What is the best present you could have wished for when you had Mr William?

Other than his perfect health….uuuummmm…..I’m not sure! We already had everything we needed!

What would your ideal job be?

Funnily enough, I think teaching is as close to ideal as I can get…..I do love my job, despite all the crap that can go with it sometimes. I love being a mum but I miss it.

Describe your perfect day.


Morning: I’d wake up in our water bungalow in the Maldives, next to Mike,sun streaming into the room. We’d go and have an ENORMOUS lardy breakfast on the seafront and then go for a dip in the crystal blue sea. Maybe swim with dolphins??</fon


Afternoon: After catching a (very fast) flight back to London we’d spend the afternoon at Vinopolis- a wine tasting place in London-and get nicely drunk. We’d also do something touristy and fun like The Tower of London or London Dungeon with William!

Evening: After champagne in a swanky bar we’d go for dinner at the Oxo Tower restaurant (near London Bridge) which is the place we got engaged. We’d sit outside (it would be a warm, balmy evening), drink champagne and admire the twinkly lights of London. Ahhhhhh……………..

Oooh! That’s made me all glowy. Will write a proper entry tomorrow!

lots of love happycookie and minicookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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October 14, 2006

I loved all your answers! Especially how you and Mike met, aw!

October 14, 2006

It’s funny how much we actually have in common, from the author thing & teaching to the Maldives (I’m not even GETTING married unless I can honeymoon there! hehe). Great reading :o) xxx

October 14, 2006

good answers…cute stories 🙂

October 14, 2006

Love the answers! How did I miss the question entry?!? Oh well. Another time. LMAO at the embarrasing story. It’s almost as bad as mine. Heheheh.

Great answers Mrs! I loved them. And I went to the Tower of London yesterday!!!!! And Im going to Alton Towers tomorrow so its a whole host of Tower-y things for me! Mwah xxx