
This is just a fleeting visit – will write a proper entry tomorrow. I feel so tired I could cry right now. It’s been a busy week – met my mum and dad and bruv for dinner on Wednesday night; got to bed at midnight; last night I met my friend Aysh for dinner in Soho – but I was back home by 9.30pm. Today, 5 – 5!!!! – of my colleagues, on separate occasions, told me I looked very pale and tired.  I gotta agree with them, I look like sh*t. Left school as soon as the kids did at 3.30pm today (on the advice of the head-teacher!!! I must have looked awful), and after I’d caught the train back to Maidenhead I couldn’t face the 15 min walk from the station home….I caught a taxi!!

Bit worried I could be anaemic. My midwife told me my iron levels were low last time I visited her. I take a Pregnacare tablet every day which I thought was covering my iron requirements, but maybe it’s not enough?? I don’t really eat red meat – don’t like it that much. Just been searching the internet for other sources of iron. Some of them are weird – like FIGS?! Yuck. I have shreddies for brekkie every morning – they’re a good source. Uggghhhhh I don’t know. Should I be drinking Guinness?? That was the prescription for iron deficiency in my mum’s day. Seeing the midwife again on Wednesday – will ask her about it then (not the Guiness bit, obviously……..!).

I feel a bit hormonal and all over the place. Suddenly feel very, very BIG! My body feels really unfamilar now. As well as the huge bump, my boobs are bigger and my nipples so ENORMOUS they take over most of each boob!!! Am sure they were looking droopier last night, although Mike reckons they’re sill the same. Hmmmmmm. I also have:

1. Huge thighs – they have REALLY grown

2. Massive ass – when will it stop expanding?

I can’t even turn over in bed without a lot of effort and grunting. Getting up from the sofa is a major task. It feels like the baby’s having a growth spurt and is taking all my food, not leaving any for me- I’m ravenous all the time and I can’t get enough of strawberry Burger King milkshakes……..mmmmmmm! This morning on the train to work I was listening to a beautiful song from the new Keane album on my ipod and I got all teary, thinking about Mike and our gorgeous new baby. But conversely, when Mike rang me this evening to say he was going to be late home because he’s watching the football in the pub, I was snappy and fed-up on the phone – completely unfairly, he’s only going to be an hour late. Am just a mess of hormones…….

I’ll be back tomorrow when I’m feeling a little less pooped. Got some cool belly pics that I’ll post. Have a good Friday night!!

love happycookie and my little mini-cookie – 11 weeks til we meet him!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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June 30, 2006

June 30, 2006

I had really nasty anaemia from around 20 weeks only i didn’t know it! So tired, didn’t have the energy to climb the stairs some days and really pale. Iron tablets suck, if you ARE low I’d suggest getting some Floradix, it’s way easier on your system. When’s your next bloodtest? Make sure you ask for an FBC.

July 1, 2006

Hi, just found you on pregnancy circle. Have you tried wholemeal bread, spinach and eggs? I’ve really gone off meat since being pregnant and the midwife suggested those things to stop my iron levels getting too low. Also, dark chocolate has iron in it I think! Hope you feel better soon.

July 1, 2006

Hey diary twin stop doing that! I was just having the ‘am I anaemic’ conversation with my boyfriend about twenty minutes ago and now I read this! Are you in my head?! PS – how much more can thighs and bums grow? I swear I’m about to pop outta my skin. Don’t you feel like a stranger in your own body at the moment? Still, gotta love it for the end result right? :o) xxx

No no, no Guinness! Tis naughty! Unfortunately, its very common in pregancy. But eat plenty of dark green leafy veg etc. RE: salty dog’s note, if you have a blood test I can guarentee you will have an FBC, its the routine! Iron tabs arent the best but sometimes a necessary evil. 11 weeks to go…thats so exciting! 🙂 xxxxxxxxx