All by my lonesome :-( *whinge*

William has FINALLY fallen asleep in his bouncer after being awake pretty much THE WHOLE DAY. Man, my baby can stay awake. He fights sleep until he’s unbelievably cranky and over-tired! I don’t understand why but it makes me cranky. Plus he’s been incredibly windy. From both ends (TMI?). I think the veg curry I ate last night upset his tummy a little. And to add to my crankiness, Mike is out on the piss tonight watching football with one of his old workmates and I’m soooooo jealous. Would give my right arm to neck a bottle of wine right now…..*sigh*….

I don’t mean to moan (ok, I do a little) but when you’ve been on your own in the house all day, with a cranky and windy baby, it is a little bit depressing to be home alone in the evening too. I’ll put William to bed at 7.45ish and then I should get some ‘me’ time I guess-I have a brand spanking new Heat magazine to read, and Make me a Supermodel is on channel 5 at 8pm!! 

I KNOW Mike needs time with his mates. But I reserve the right to be a miserable old cow about it.

I feel like I’m whinging a lot lately.  Still feeling uber-sensitive about everything. Was in floods of tears last night, just because William was grizzly and didn’t want to be held. WTF?! Every time he starts crying or grizzling when I’m cuddling him I feel like a failure. I know logically that it’s wind, or hunger, and it’s NOT me. Hopefully. Whatever. My hormones are all over the place this week and I’m taking everything very personally.

Thanks to all my lovely noters by the way. You are all so lovely!  I’m going to go and shove my vegetable-lasagne-for-one in the microwave (sob!) and wallow in self-pity…..tidy up the kitchen.

lots of love happycookie and the windiest baby in South East England xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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October 19, 2006

You have every right to feel a little left out. Why don’t you express some milk so that Dad have have the baby one night while you have a glass or 2 of wine?

October 19, 2006

I can totally relate to being home all day by yourself! When I was on maternity leave I thought I was going to go insane!! My husband worked 12 hours a day, so he’d leave at 7:30 something to get to work and then get home at 8:45–so 13 hours a day by myself!! LOL@the windiest baby

I hope you get to have a night out with the girls soon and Mike can stay home with the Parp Machine that is the Gorgeous William! You deserve to have a night where you can relax hun and chill and be HappyCookie! xxxx

October 19, 2006

ROFL, are you me only a year later?? I used to (and still do) have the biggest tantrums when The Man got to go out with his mates and I was stuck home with Cranky…I mean Sam! 😉 Funnily enough, once you get William to sleep, it’ll be ace having some evening you-time with Heat and the TV. Add some wine and chocolate, and you’re set! And I’m guessing veg curry is off the menu for a bitthen, huh? Heh.

October 19, 2006

You be a miserable cow as much as you want. These damn daddies and their ‘manly’ time. When do we get ours?! Oh that’s right.. endless baby talk is all we want to do. Geesh. Hope the little guy takes up a nap or two during the day soon before you lose your sanity! xxx

October 19, 2006

i think its totally normal to be upset. you have every right to want to go out. Hope William’s gas goes away 🙂

October 20, 2006

RYN: I never wanted to use CIO and at the age your son is, I never DID and never even thought about it LOL But now? Sometimes the girl just wants to have a fit and I have to let her.

October 20, 2006

Whinge your heart out petal 🙂 I can totally relate and my god days are boring!!!!! I do know how you feel and hun youre not alone *hugs* Take care. Lots of love xxxxxx

October 21, 2006

maybe you could go out with some friends tomorrow and just not drink..a night out would be good for you!

October 22, 2006

I feel like that too. RIki worked 3 jobs meaning i’m left with kaia constantly – not that its bad but it makes the simpliest things so hard. Like when they are having a crying fit and you have the urge to go to the loo. I find the night time the worst though…. its so quiet and dark….and lonely. In saying that, it DOES get better, william will settle down soon, once he starts moving ar….

October 22, 2006

…around more, you will find that he isn’t as windy, or that he can bring the wind out, either top or bottem 🙂 much easier on his own. I argee with the other noters. Express some milk and go catch up with some girlfriends. You might be too tired for it but once your out its like a new lease on life and you go home to your little baby and realise just how wonderful they are.