6 weird things…and I’m FINISHED!!!

The first player of this game starts with writing 6 weird things/habits about themselves and then selects 6 others to write an entry about their 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. After making your list of weird things, pick 6 others. They are allowed to laugh at you in your comments as much as they want, so deal! Don’t forget to leave a note that says, "You are tagged!" in their diary.

What a fun game! Thanks salty*dog for tagging me!! Ok…….6 weird habits/ things….this should be easy, I’m a fruitloop.

1. Like salty*dog, I am NOT pleasant to be around when very, very tired. I snap and everything in the world seems HORRIBLE. So the first few months with the baby should be fun…..

2. I have VERY BIG KNEES. One day I’ll post a pic of them. They’re HUGE and the reason why I can never wear a mini-skirt. Well, and my thunderous thighs.

3. I used to have a MASSIVE crush on the ex-England cricketer, Mike Atherton, in my early teens. I was practically his stalker! I would got to cricket games in Manchester and hang around after the game just to catch a glimpse of him. Worse still, when I knew which car was his, I took pictures of it (cringe) and then wrote down everything that was in it. I then pinned the list (entitled ‘Contents of Mike Atherton’s Car’) proudly to my wall……

4. I have about 13 tapes filled with adverts, music videos, and old TV programmes. Another embarassing habit from my teens that has sporadically carried on into adulthood……I started my first tape in 1991. They make very entertaining viewing – especially the old adverts!!!

5. I still get very, very excited about Christmas and my birthday, despite the fact that I am 27. I don’t think that’s weird though…..quite normal actually!

6.  I love glitter. I love making things with glitter. I love wearing glitter! Quite normal for a 7 year old….not so much for a 27 year old!!

Ok – that’s my 6 weird things – not on a completely separate note…..


 I can’t quite believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels FANTASTIC and a little bit weird!!!!!!!!!! This week has been a bit yucky – due entirely to the heat, really. As anyone in the UK knows, this heatwave is just too much. I love summer, I love sun, but temps of 30 degrees plus are ridiculous. It was 36 degrees on Wednesday! Uncomfortable doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt……. My commute to and from London has been horrendous – why don’t these trains have air-cons?! And school has been like a SAUNA!! The children are like little radiators, so I’ve mostly been sitting at the front of the class and SWEATING!  Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Our fan at home has made it bearable here – I’m sitting in front of it right now and I feel happy as larry. I really, really hope the heatwave stops soon. I worry that it affects the baby, although I’m sure he’s fine. If it does continue though, things will be much easier now I haven’t got to go to work anymore. I’m a lady of lesiure and it feels BRILLIANT!!

Got some lovely gifts from the parents of the kids on my class – lots of baby things and £160 worth of John Lewis vouchers – very generous! Also got £70 worth of mothercare vouchers from the other teaching staff! Yipeeeeeee! I didn’t get emotional once today, even though it’s unlikely I’ll return to that school to teach…..not sure why! Guess I’m just so looking forward to the baby coming, everything pales into insignificance…………..

Now I’m on holiday, I’ll be writing in my diary loads more. Can’t wait! But I’m desperate for the loo now (possibly TMI?) so I’m going to dash…..back over the weekend!

lots of love happycookie and (a melting?) minicookie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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wayhey you’ve finished! wooohoo!!!!!!

July 21, 2006

The heat is miserable, I remember how much I suffered last summer before I had Sam. My ankles looked like giant ham hocks! Enjoy being the lady of leisure, take time to do things you want to do, relax while you can. 🙂

July 22, 2006

Yay for no more work! Shame it’s so damn hot though! Minicookie will come out all melting and gooey like chocolate chip cookies :o) Yummy. Hehe I like your six weird things.. especially the one about old adverts. I love seeing the old commercials on tapes, so I can go ‘I remember that one!’ Though I don’t tape them on purpose. You fruitloop you xxx

July 23, 2006

Congrats on finishing! #3 made me smile…my best friend had (possibly still has, who knows?)a huge secret crush on Mike Atherton…not sure she ever got a list of the contents of his car though :o)